Hey guys, its been awhile since my last post and I hope everyone is dealing with their issues the best way they can. Iam not doing so great at the moment and I honestly don't know what to do. This year to say this least has been hell times 2! Just as things were getting better.....my mind wont let me be happy. I sat in my truck for an hour crying and blaming myself for my condition. Iam losing the battle and it hurts.
Its me again :(: Hey guys, its been... - Anxiety and Depre...
Its me again :(

I'm sorry, Jrick34. I'm just starting to try and overcome anxiety & depression so I won't be of much help. My brain does this thing where when I finally have a moment of peace, it will be like, what fear can I conjure up now? What awful event should I focus on? I wish I could shut it up. Does yours do this? Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault.
Thank you for your reply and yes my mind does that. It looks for things to fear and I cant control it. Why does it do it? I have no idea. I try not to blame myself but when Iam alone that's all I do. I wish I could just wish it all away from us. Its good you are starting to overcome it. I hope and pray that you win this battle
Hey, if you're still here on this crazy planet you're not losing the battle!!! I'm going nuts myself. What helps me is music. Look up some songs you like on YouTube. Try to look for stuff that's positive and hopeful or uplifting. And you are not alone. How about listening to Calling All Angels by Train??? Whatever helps!!!

Thank you and you right music does help. I like Train also so Ill listen to that song. Its good to know that Iam not alone in this fight. Just can be overwhelming sometimes.
Hi jrick .hows the mrs ??
She is doing a lot better, its been 6 months and the healing process continues. Thank you so much for asking
I know the feeling. I’m often at that point as well. It’s good that you come here for help or maybe an encouraging word or two. It helps just to talk it out sometimes with people who understand and are going through the same thing.
I hope you find what works for you.
Just wanted to say that I absolutely relate to this. Keep on swimming. You're not losing the battle!
Hey Jrick, I just saw your post this evening. I'm sorry you are not doing so great
at the moment. But I'm glad you reached out to us. We all get stopped in our tracks
from time to time. Anxiety doesn't like to see us succeed. But never give up. Actually
you are the one that said that to us a year ago. Anxiety will try it's best to convince
you of the lies it fills your mind with. I know how much it hurts to feel that way.
But don't believe for a minute that you caused your condition.
Some of us are born with an over active nervous system. It waits for a time in our
life where stress becomes overwhelming and then it rears it's ugly head with a
thought, a sound, an odor or something we see. If any of those triggers go back to
a good response, then we go into a "high feeling" When those triggers stimulate
bad feelings, adrenaline pours out and we feel hopeless, frightened and helpless.
The thing is to not fight these feelings. Accept them (as hard as this may be).
After a while, anxiety gets tired of taunting you and starts to back off. The power
of control is an amazing gift, one that anxiety doesn't like to see us in.
I'm glad you are back with us. We extend our hands to you. Let us help direct you
back on the right path. One step forward, two steps back...but you still get to your
goal. Breathe Jrick xx
You always have the right things to say!! Thank you for always being here.