How to just rely on yourself?
How to overcome emotional dependency? - Anxiety and Depre...
How to overcome emotional dependency?
Emotional Dependency
Let your brain rule your life not your heart especially if a relationship is failing.
To be honest you will learn by experience. It is however important to know when to walk away and remain comfortable in your own skin
Besides that what are other coping strategies that I could use? I have autism.I can't find positive leveled people and advice that works anymore. Aren't there any at all?
Hi. I seem to rely on other people more than myself to settle my mind.Often it takes 4 coversations per day with each of my supports for a week or so. I have autism, I don't understand things as well as others. I need to feel confident that things for me and those I care about are going to be ok which I know they mainly are and will be.My mother though is undergoing her own breakdown due to dealing with both me and her dementia stricken boyfriend.I think from the way I reacted to my stress yesterday that she may be about to stop communicating with me. I've always been a little like this but since covid started its gotten very very bad.I wish there was something affordable like videoconferencing with a therapist right when I need it.I'm not worried about the virus mainly, just how people have been choosing to react to it, which they are choosing fear, hysteria instead of positivity.I really wish I could talk to someone who is cheerful and bubbly who unstood what I'm talking about and made me feel like I am understood but I've never had that 'luxury'.
You can always talk to us. We are here for you.
Do you have health insurance? Are you in the US? Telemedicine is being covered. No copays right now. Do you have a therapist? You should be able to have appointments.
People here understand. Keep posting and answering other posts.
You have a support system that sounds reliable. If you want more independence maybe cut back a bit. Find things to calm you. Go for a walk, listen to music, find a hobby. Have something as your " go to"
I do have health insurance and live in US.Somehow I end up not doing the things I enjoy when faced with stress.I end up feeling its more important to find a solution I guess before I can engage in something enjoyable which I guess doing that that instead of the hobbies or whatever isn't actually costructive.
You should take advantage of the telemedicine.
I agree motivation is tough. But Mayb substituting one call to someone a day with something else may lead to more independence/ self reliability. You have to build coping skills. But it's also not a bad thing to have your support team working with you. We are all unique. Find what works for you.
I'm been doing what I thought was the best I can.I would try coping strategies but sometimes some that worked the last times don't end up working.I've been trying to find things that will work the majority of the time my whole life and alot of times I give up.Also I agree that the whole coronavirus and social hysteria thing thats been happining is serious but this world in actuality has a great deal to offer and is mostly good. I feel that anyone who says otherwise is giving in to the negativity that is conquering everyone in body, mind, and soul.It brainwashed me to depend on it when I was growing up and my parents were going through terrible issues that may have involved abuse.
Don't give up. Keep at it
If you have the need for Social interaction you could have words with your Doctor and explain your needs. I live in the UK and we have Day Centres that deal with Mental Health Concerns, where you will meet people with similar problems. However over time you will make like minded friends and that will help because of gaining confidence of other peoples needs. Your Doctor may know if any day centres are in your area. Generally Autisim is generally diagnosed as a child, are you Adult ?
We have clinics and groups in the UK for this problem and that can also help the sufferer as well. Your Doctor may know of centres you could attend
I am an adult.37 years old and I live in the United States.
Talk to your Doctor and see if He can get you into something like above, it is important you know how ti react with others and gain confidence. Yes it will be hard initially although it will help in the long run.
If you cannot get referred consider something like Night Classes where you will learn how react and intergrate
Thanks! I've been trying to find some sort of conseling app where I could talk with a therapist at most any time and also looking into getting into some kind of autism or mental disabily Zoom videocall support group.