Why is it easier to speak about our m... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Why is it easier to speak about our most personal problems with strangers, then it is to reveal them to our closest friends?

Rudolph26 profile image
3 Replies

Skin Deep

You ever think about your past?

I know, it’s a silly question. After all, most people do.

Yet somehow, I feel like no one speaks about what is on their heart, don’t you?

Why I do hear an echoed silence, instead of what people really want to say?

All these smiling faces I see

Are fake.

Another, “hello” or “how’s the weather? What is it like to live overseas?”

These superficial conversations to know everything

But me.

We speak about our jobs, our education, and all the things we hate.

We often times become silent when the truth is at stake.

We blame our addictions on failed relationships.

We blame our stupidity on our youth.

More often than not we ignore everything that is true.

We keep friendships on the surface

We risk our lives for silly things like drugs.

Yet, we are terrified to risk our lives for real things like love.

Is it not strange that we need people; yet, we push them to the side?

Why do we feel a constant need to hide?

I feel like we are playing chess as if life is just game.

Was Shakespeare really that far off when he said: “Life is a stage?”

Is that all there is?

Are we really only skin deep?

It’s funny because I always thought there was more to me.

More than just a name plagued with side effects from my past.

More than just a happy smile only visible with a mask.

What is the point of life if we remain solely skin deep?

What am I truly protecting if I forget even me?

Shouldn’t we be more honest with ourselves

As well as those who we pass?

Or will we remain silent

Heads bowed

As we continue to wear our mask.

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Rudolph26 profile image
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3 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Well we should always be honest with ourselves if we can't be with others. Also truth is mainly subjective and shades of grey. I do agree that a few things are black and white but many people see all life like that unfortunately.

Kev600 profile image

It's okay to feel uncertainty..

Modern lifestyle is amazing at allowing us to connect with others.. yet, paradoxically, is the reason we often feel disconnected!

Be loving, accepting, compassionate and forgiving of yourself... In the same way you world certainly give those powerful human behaviours to other's.

If they're just words, because you've never learned self care.. Or suffered so badly, you no longer remember how to... Then don't worry.. You're certainly not alone.

In fact, you're never alone. Ever.

Even when you feel lonely.. remind yourself of the fact that the very collective strength of humanity means we can't ever be alone. We're inherently connected to each other and everything alive on this planet.. Take the emphasis away from your fragile ego, and things start to look and feel differently..

But equally, listen to and nurture your inner child's needs.. that little soul still, and always needs your love, kindness and reassurance... Trust that whatever happens, you'll handle it! It's inevitable.. You have to.

But continue to be authentic and vulnerable.. this is how we remind each other that nobody's got this right, first time, without hiccups.

We need each other's support and acceptance more than ever before.. Stay open and give each other just a little bit of time and not judge so coldly.. Nobody is born with the desire to cause pain to another... Everyone is just doing the best they can... With what they have...

May you all be healthy, happy, and lucky! 🙏🏻💫

Kev600 profile image

Life through the intrinsic lens is authentic, genuine, personal and rewarding.

Life through the extrinsic lens, is quite as you describe.

Understand your intrinsic values and change your contacts, interests, and lifestyle to support them.

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