I’m a retired woman in the process of weaning from Effexor. Would love to hear from others who have been successful at this.
Weaning from Effexor : I’m a retired... - Anxiety and Depre...
Weaning from Effexor
Is it venlafaxine? If so... I used to take it a few years ago, probably 2-3 months, I don't remember well. It took me ages to come off it. From 150mg to 37 or something like that. I had brain zaps and was very grumpy. Everything irritated me.
It took 5 weeks for my brother. We both think this medication it's difficult to stop due to the withdrawal symptoms but it does the job.
Yes, that’s it. My doc took me from a once a day 75mg to 25 mg three times a day to help wean. I started in early January, each month dropping by only a total of 12.5mg hoping by doing it that slowly it would go well. Since the beginning of March I’m at 50mg total per day and 3 weeks into that I’m feeling some irritability. (My husband might say it’s more than “some” lol) and he would be right.
I’m glad to read that it’s a symptom of withdrawal so I’m not so eager to say forget it and go back on. I’d like to stick it out. Thanks for the encouragement that you and your brother have been successful in getting off!
My husbands dr just took him off it completely and he’s waiting on our prescription insurance to send him the new one the dr has recommended. He’s been off it and he is mean, grumpy, and anxious over our very sick dog
Oh my!! I’m very surprised he was taken off completely and not at all surprised at how he’s feeling!! I’m feeling irritable as well. 😞
Here’s hoping for both your sakes that his new medication arrives soon and he does well with it.
Hi Nosduh,
I was taking 100mg of its generic, venlafaxine, and stopped cold turkey because the side effects were too great a price to pay(in my opinion).
I modelled my quitting off of a similar approach I took on cigarettes (1 1/2 pk a day of Marlboro red 100s ) and later paxil (I can't remember the dosage).
I had about 4 very rough days, anxious and unpredictable crying and nightmares; and some more bearable withdrawal symptoms. I had 5 more days of lighter symptoms, then 2 weeks of lighter symptoms still.
I know people usually don't recommend this but I'm doing ok now, although I started taking l-theanine, an amino acid supplement about a month ago.
I should add, I wasn't taking it that long, about a year.
Thanks for writing! I’m so glad to hear you’re doing well.
Hi Nosduh,
I was on the highest dose a person can take for over 5 years. Although theEffecxor did it's job, and put my depression at bay, I decided to try to see how I would feel without it. I was tired of taking pills!! I read alot about the side effects of withdrawal, and started out by taking 75% of my capsule for a week, then down to 50% the next week and so on. I was basically bed ridden during my withdrawal. I could not function. I had brain buzzing and fog. After about two weeks of being in bed, I finally came out of it, and was me again! That was in 2015, I am on no medication at this time to manage my depression. I have learned that a daily walk, and writing in my journey, has helped me manage. Good Luck, and best wishes! It is not an easy road to travel going through withdrawal, but it is possible!
Terri G.
Oh my what a journey you had!! I’m thankful that you are on the other side and doing so well!! Thanks for your words. I hope to have the same ending to my story!
I have not personally done this but a relative has. They had opened the capsule and took out about 2 small balls each week. Closed the capsule and took it. Then the next week would open the capsule but take out 4 small balls. So every week you would take out 2 more than you did the week before. It's a slow process but it worked very well to keep withdrawal at a minimum. If you find taking 2 balls out is too much, then drop to 1 ball or vice versa.
Hope that helps!
What a process right???!! I have a friend that did it the same way with the capsules. My doctor switched me from the capsules to the shorter acting tablets which I take 3 times a day. Right now I’m at a full tablet in the morning and half in the afternoon and evening. It seems to be such a slow process and in the third month I’m just beginning to feel side effects, mostly nausea and irritability. Thank you so much for responding. It good to hear how others approached it and the various results. I’m so thankful not to (yet) be experiencing the brain zaps. They sound just terrible.

I'm not quite there yet to wean off mine..still got PTSD crap going on but some day. Don't care how long it takes. Just don't want all that withdrawal nonsense.
Yes, and I’m so thankful that there are meds to help us through very tough times. I’m sorry for your PTSD. Glad you have help.
Yes I took it for a few years and slowly weaned off. I was also weaning off of benzodiazepines at the same time. It was rough and took a long time. I had brain zaps for a long time and used 1/4 of gravol tabs to help with nausea and dizziness. I’m glad I did though and won’t take anything that is so difficult to get off of.
Thanks so much for writing. It’s so good to hear that it was worth it. I’m not yet having the brain zaps and pray it doesn’t happen cause it sounds just awful!!
According to the psychiatric literature, Effexor (generic is venlafaxine) is the most difficult antidepressant to discontinue. I've been on Effexor XR since 2002. I've tried to stop around 3 times. Each time I experienced terrible withdrawal symptoms, including dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, disorientation, tremors, flu-like symptoms, and, for some reason, excessive salivation. I never got brain zaps, but everyone is different.
I'm still taking 300 mg Effexor. It has helped relieve my depression when many other antidepressants failed.
This website has suggestions on withdrawing from antidepressants:
Stopping Effexor may take months with tapering. Do NOT stop suddenly. Your withdrawal symptoms will be much worse.
I hope this helps.
Be well.