Our first case of Corona announced 1 ... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Our first case of Corona announced 1 hr ago, news drives panic on toilet paper

60 Replies

This is what panic looks like. I sent hubs to grab some bread and milk cause I knew this would be scarce when people started watching the news, this is the TP isle.

I have to wonder what's up with buying so much TP??

Help me understand the TP raid.

60 Replies
Krn210 profile image

This is what our stores look like too. Along with paper towels, clorox wipes, and rubbing alcohol. I keep wondering about the tp too. I have heard that they are just stocking up in case of a quarantine. I have also heard it’s because it is manufactured in China and they are afraid that the production will be down? I don’t believe the latter myself. I have told my kids to please be mindful of how much they are using because I don’t know when we can get more...lol...but seriously

in reply to Krn210

I thought it was odd the milk and bread still stocked but TP gone.

I have to assume, 10 people bought mass quantities since the shelves were still stocked with other products.

Scary the reaction and panic. My husband will probably be told to work from home remotly soon, I don't need him here, I like my quiet days during the week.🤣🤣

CanuckAnon profile image
CanuckAnon in reply to

Same sorry state here... I wish people would just calm down. After this is all over people will either return all the panic purchases overstock and stores will have tractor trailers in returns or ppl will not buy that stuff for like a year..🤨 here it’s cleaner with bleach, tp, canned goods, Kleenex and paper towels...

in reply to CanuckAnon

OMG, I didn't even think what the return lines might look like after this calms down. 🤣🤣🤣

Sillysausage234 profile image

I’m ok i never use the stuff

in reply to Sillysausage234

You live dangerously. I like it. 🤣🤣🤣

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

Commando is my middle name

in reply to Sillysausage234

You know THEY say going commando has benefits. No wedgies for you. 😁😁😁

CanuckAnon profile image
CanuckAnon in reply to Sillysausage234

Lmao I’m trying so hard to bite my tongue right now... 😂😂😂silly sausage commando dirty butt is full name then?

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to CanuckAnon

S.A.S......stinky ass sausage

CanuckAnon profile image
CanuckAnon in reply to Sillysausage234

Ya that too eh? 😂😂

CanuckAnon profile image
CanuckAnon in reply to Sillysausage234

So if u were here 🇨🇦 u would be part of JTF - SAS squad.... I have some thoughts.... janky totally funkified stinky ass sausage... the super commando eh? I can just see the comic book deals, scratch and sniff dolls I mean action figures.... 😂

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to CanuckAnon

😂you’re too kind

CanuckAnon profile image
CanuckAnon in reply to Sillysausage234

☘️🍀🌱🧶🌿🍃🌾🍁🍂💶💷🧽🧼? Curious it all.... 😊🤔😂

Its because they are stocking up. A lot of things come from china so there will be shortages if things dont improve. Also a lot of people are planning on just staying home and not going anywhere. Some people think its the end of the world. People panic and this is what happens. However I am actually out of toilet paper, paper towels and baby wipes so if anyone who is stocked up wants to sell some to me that would be greatly appreciated it because all of our stores are sold out and the stores said the new stock just came in yesterday😱 so now I have to travel to try to find necessities. Oh yes and diapers too. Appereantly its not just toilet paper that everyone is stocking up on. Some of it I understand why like the healthcare stuff because if you do get the virus you have to self quanitine and treat it at home but thats IF you catch it. Im sure everyone reacted like this when the medical field didnt know what the flu was originally before we know what we do about the flu. Yes corona is scary and deadly but we have been through similar situations. Panicking just makes it worse and creates even more of a shortage then necessary.

in reply to

Our Mayor said to be cautious and proactive rather than reactive, but it's like telling a child to stop doing that, it makes them want to do it more.

Good luck finding the products you need. 💜🌺

in reply to

What state are you in Just out of curiosity? And yes its like telling a child not to push that red button the will just do it more.

in reply to

Alabama.. I live in a surrounding county where our case is, but my husband works in that county. But we aren’t alarmed, we’re like you, needed a couple of things before it gets gone. Us being in the store looks like we’re feeding the frenzy when we’re not.

kenster1 profile image

I just said to my friend I will be buying extra newspapers if the shop doesn't have toilet roll have to improvise somehow.

in reply to kenster1

It’s a sad time when we’re thinking of using the news papers to wipe our hineys with. 😂😂😂

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to

yeah imagine you did and then went to your local swimming pool for a swim jump in and wonder why everyone is staring at you then you are alerted you have coronavirus headlines plastered on your bum.

in reply to kenster1

Haha. This made gave me burst of laughter.

This reminds me of using silly puddy where you pressed it on the colored comics page... now that I think of it, why did that fascinate us so much to do that??? 😁😁😁

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to

glad it had you smiling got plenty of old woodchip wallpaper up my loft but that might be going a bit far not unless I took out all the chippings.

in reply to kenster1

I’ve got plenty of shelf paper too, self adhesive. Not sure how well that’ll go, but it could be a last resort kind of thing.

Boober180 profile image
Boober180 in reply to kenster1


LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to

When I went camping in Girl Scouts we used leaves as I recall. It was a good lesson on how to spot poison ivy.

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Leaves work too. Crotch rot from poison ivy not good at all. 😂😂😂😂

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to

Except I live in Florida and palm fronds don't work. Our oak leaves are two small. Spanish moss has bugs. Pines are useless. New Jersey woods were better, but this time of year they're leafless. We're doomed.

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

You should see how many pine trees are in my back yard... wait, that’s all I have. Pine cones are totally out. I’m def doomed if the shelf paper fails me. 🤣🤣

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to

Ouch on the pine cones.

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Haha...grape leaves are the best. Used by country folk around the Mediterranean from the beginning of time till the early sixties ...

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to

The "shelves" are empty of grape leaves.

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Well have to go back to old days of corn husks, stones, I don’t know,

Back in the old days they used something besides the very convenient TP...

I bursted out with laughter while I was reading these posts. Y’all are killing me over here🤣

in reply to

I’ve enjoyed these too. sometimes we need a little lightheartedness and laughter to get through our day.

people must thing they are going to get diarrhea?

in reply to

The virus doesn’t cause diarrhea, it’s respiratory..... So I went searching and I found this article just now that might explain some of this.


We have 2 cases now, all our schools have closed for two weeks, scheduled events cancelled, all within a few hours. Our stores had Kleenex, diapers, cleaning products, hand wipes, laundry detergent, milk, bread, eggs, etc.. but all our TP is gone. Bizarre indeed.

in reply to

I know but why all the tp? They must think it will run out

You can always use soap and water

in reply to

Right. This toilet paper thing is an American mystery. It doesn’t matter what type of a disaster, from preparation for bad weather to a deadly virus epidemic Americans will think of toilet paper first. It’s defying logic.

kenster1 profile image

I was looking on a local public website and someone had taken a picture of a bathroom window filled up with toilet roll and underneath it says getting burgled later.

All_alone profile image

I enjoyed reading the comments here. Yes! Please explain the TP thing. Same here. Also no milk or bread. Someone said there is also a raid on peanut butter. My bank sends me an email saying that they are keeping up on the latest news as is a local car dealer. They will even deliver your new car to your house so you dont have to go to the dealership to pick it up. Will they stop and buy you TP before delivering your car? SMH..?!😷

in reply to All_alone

Seriously? This is just just crazy..crazy..crazy. 😆😆😆😆

All_alone profile image
All_alone in reply to

Yes, seriously. People are going crazy. If there is no where to go, why buy a car....

Want2BHappy3 profile image

I don’t get it either? How much do we need? We don’t know how long this is going to last? Eventually you will run out And what’s with buying all the water? The water is not contaminated. The stores are doing what they should have done Ration things. So hopefully people will get a grip???

in reply to Want2BHappy3

Good points.

I’m seeing now stores are putting up mandates on the amount of things you can buy. But it doesn’t mean they can’t go right back in the store or have each family member go in a make a purchase for the same products.

I saw in one state a store has armored security standing in the TP isle. 😄

I think people may think the virus will pollute our water or something. We aren’t going to lose power, water company isn’t shutting off water supply.

I want to stay home just so I can avoid the panic and long lines. 💜🌺💜🌺💜🌺

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to

Lol that’s Exactly what I was thinking? You can’t really stop that from happening. At least somethings being done. Someone made a comment about my daughter getting a lot. She said I could care less about the virus, she’s concerned about not feeding her son. How do you are you that? I’m some one I feel has a lot of empathy for my fellow man, I had the opportunity to get LOTS of Sanitizer but didn’t because others would need some too. I did get some for some senior friends in their 80’s who couldn’t find any. So I got them some. Iam sometimes feeling A lot of Anxiety because I’m at High risk, I’m 65 and have diabetes.

I also heard if you haven’t, people are looking for burial plots??? I told my kids to Cremate Me.

Oh And there’s Now a run on buying guns??? We’re going the Wrong Direction? We should be trying to help others how we can?? What the Hells Going On???

in reply to Want2BHappy3

I read about the mass increase in ammunition here. Not guns just ammunition. So there’s ammunition and TP. Hmm makes you wonder what people are thinking.

I guess the apocalypse is coming. Things like burial plots, certain companies are reaping the rewards of those spending excess cash out of reaction.

I’m to be cremated too, I have my views on funerals and burial plots... just sprinkle my ashes somewhere I enjoyed being, The beach, down my favorite running route, anywhere I enjoyed being peaceful.

Stay inside, I’m planning to do the same. Precaution and avoiding the public is just smart in my opinion. I’m don’t need to go out and be a part of the madness, I’ve got food for my pets and my family, and Netflix. 😂😂😂😂

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to

I don’t think people Are thinking? That’s the problem we’re Reacting, how could we Not??? There is No consistency from anyone who is suppose to know??? I wish shows that are NOT news shows STOP speculating You are only creating more Panic...what Surprised Me? Fact check me Please? I read online that we had a Flu Pandemic in 2009? I would have remember that???

in reply to Want2BHappy3

Flu pandemic? I don’t think so. I’ve been in my house I live in now since 2008, I’d remember that too.

What’s crazier is, I have more of a chance catching the flu being around all of this mad dash to raid the stores than I would on an ordinary errand day. Let’s see 200-300 people in Walmart vs 40-50 on a normal day.

No thanks, I’ll stay home. 😄😄

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to

I wish I had screenshot it? I’ll look for it. I’ve Never had the flu, Knock on wood😞. I keep hoping my DNA gets me through this? All of my close relatives lived past 90. My mom is still alive she just turned 90. I’ve lost 20 pounds so far from anxiety. Only eating one meal at day, my stomach tightens up. I’m putting my health at Risk, I have diabetes.

It is Crazy out there, people who are doing this are forcing our hands we need to feed our families too. So it seems that the supermarkets are getting it now? Their rationing things now, so hopefully there can be some Calm to the Maddness???

in reply to Want2BHappy3

I’ve never had Flu either. I don’t get a Flu Shot either, but I may in the future. Aging has us do things to take extra precaution.

Having your mom live this long is amazing. My family has a long life span as well, no real illnesses and no flu either. I’m knocking on wood right now. We have hotter weather now starting earlier this week, flu will die down where I live soon, maybe the Corona will too.

The 20 pounds I presume isn’t what you wanted? You're on mirtzipine? If you are this should help you with increasing appetite.

Walmart sent me an email (I order some stuff on line) and announced their cleaning practices and restocking of their stores in lieu of demand, so I’m not worried about needing food or supplies. But I’ll steer clear for the next week or two. As our numbers rise, I’m sure panic will continue to ensue.

I thought I had anxiety but damn...

The world got more anxiety.. I honestly skip the tissue when goin to the supermarket, I'm like I got to many issues dealing with my normal anxiety to add on another issue especially including damn toilet tissue. That sure ain't gonna save nobody lol... I'm assuming people are buying them so when they cant leave their homes theyll have enough. But I can sure say that the amount these people are buying is enough to stay quarantine for about a year or so lmao.....I just follow in the guidelines, if you leave your home everywhere you go when you get out wash and sanitize your hands. And stay away from shopping malls and crowded places in the meantime.

Just do what you can to stay safe but dont overwhelm yourself by purchasing all these items that ain't gonna do much once you catch the virus...

Just think smart

I think it's stupid myself the panic buying!

We just take what we need and leave it at that!

in reply to

If they realy wanna buy something that works ..maybe buy a one way ticket off this planet. Other then that we all pretty much stuck in this pandemic together with or without toilet tissue .we just stuck dammit..🗽

in reply to

We decided today to sod it and come into town for lunch as we had planned to!

kenster1 profile image

got an idea a bit cheeky but play a trick on the panic buyers.get some empty hand wash bottles fill them up with paint and sneak a couple on to the shop shelves.

Shutterbug65 profile image

It boggles the mind. The virus doesn’t even cause gastrointestinal distress. The stock market however is a different story. 😳

Boober180 profile image

While everyone was rushing for tp I casually went and got 2 each of Tylenol and ibuprofen.

in reply to Boober180

Now that's the stuff u actually need....


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