Hi all,
I'm new here and wanted to reach out for some support.
The past few weeks have been really miserable for me. I've been trying to keep upbeat and continue my daily work/social engagements/workouts, etc., but it's been difficult.
I struggle with anxiety and was on Lexipro for about six months. It helped manage my anxiety well at first. But, around December it stopped working as well. Plus, I had gained about 40 pounds due to the medication. I was so frustrated with the weight gain, I went to a psychiatrist to find a new medication. We decided I'd try going off of Lexipro and only taking a GABBA supplement each day. Big mistake! Turns out I was not ready to go completely off of an antidepressant. Every day since I've been wracked with anxiety, having almost daily panic attacks at work and feeling panicked while hanging out with friends.
I also feel disassociative often -- like I'm living in a dream and my actions aren't my own. My relationships feel fake and my world feels flat. Then I inevitably feel guilty because I have so much and am surrounded by so much love and I still find I can't cope. There are people going through so many harder things than I am. Why am I so anxious?
I went back to the psychiatrist, and now I'm on Viibryd. It's only been a week, but so far I've still been getting the daily panic attacks, bouts of dissociation, chills and my stomach has been a wreck. I know nausea is a side effect, but it's been bad!
Has anyone experienced Viirbyd? Did you like it? My psychiatrist said most people she's spoken to love it. How have you dealt with weight gain due to anti-depressants? Do you have any tips for dissociation?
Sorry for the long post! Any words of encouragement/advice would be appreciated.