Okay thoughts on cymbalta? Being prescribed this for depression and pain. Long story short, all of these overwhelming feelings of severe anxiety and depression came about two months after my daughter was born. However I had such a shitty year, ups and downs, still going through it. I feel like all of this continuous negativity just ruined me mentally. I feel like it’s all of these things combined that made me feel so fearful. Yeah it’s scary to be a mom, absolutely. I’ve had dealt with anxiety before but was able to naturally deal with it but it was gone for years. And then boom, it was back and I forgot how to control it and progressively got a lot worse. Then the whole depression came along with it because you feel out of control, with your thoughts and feelings. And I had to be on something. Hot mess express. Anyways, never had to take medicine or rely on anything. I wouldn’t even take an Advil for a headache. Now I’m here, struggling with being a new mom, anxiety, crying a lot because of frustration of not being understood or wondering why all these bad things happen to me. I just want a clear mind, I want to be the old me. Does anyone feel like cymbalta would help with these kinds feelings?
Cymbalta : Okay thoughts on cymbalta... - Anxiety and Depre...

Cymbalta may help. On that I would follow you doc’s advice. Your whole world has shifted at least that’s what it sounds like. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy really made sense to me. Look it up. Go easy on yourself. Remember feelings aren’t facts. Sounds funny but if you think about it our anxious and depressed minds lie to us. They can make us think we are no good, a bad mom/daughter/sister, lazy, etc. The list goes on and on. Being a new mom much of the focus is off of you. But it’s even more important that you take care of yourself. Try to do one self care thing everyday even if it’s just brushing teeth or washing your face. Google self-care for ideas. I would also see if there any support groups in your area for new moms. Please take of you!
Cymbalta is a life saver for me. I’ve been on many antidepressants since I was very young. This one works best. Good luck 😍
Yes it has helped me after six weeks.
Yeah, Cymbalta can definitely be of help after a period of several weeks and provided that you are taking it at a therapeutic dose. I was on it for about 7 years. But along with that, it’s always a good idea to take care of yourself and have positive supports. And doing things you are good at and you enjoy, which strengthens your resolve. Everything taken together will help you in the road to recovery. Medication alone is only a small stepping stone. All the best to you
Congrats on a new baby. Now I bet you are going thru what they call "Postpartum Depression". It affects lots of new Mum's, I had it bad after my son was born. Glad you are on Cymbalta, I just started on it last Sept, after other drugs were not working. It made me feel well, then we upped my dose and I got my old self back, I am happy and have energy. Talk to your Gynecologist s/he should be able to give you help, and like one lady suggested a support group for new Mum's is a good idea. Do not put yourself down, it is the hormone in-fluctuations, and they mess with our head. Go on line and look up Postpartum Depression, it will give you info and coping strategy's. I wish you well, sending you Big Hugs, love, peace and confidence....Belief in self....