Had another awful night. 😭 I can't d... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Had another awful night. 😭 I can't deal with this anymore.

Lily_s371 profile image
38 Replies

Before I tried sleeping I drank some tea to help calm me down and relax me as I usually do but I couldn't sleep at all. I kept overthinking about things making me get scared to fall asleep and I began starting to shake and my heart began pounding. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for a little bit but then I just felt the same thing. I finally fell asleep at 6 and woke up at 9. I barley slept and I am tired and anxious about tonight. What if I can't sleep again and something bad happens because of lack of sleep I'm really scared I won't sleep again 😭😭 I just wanna sleep and make up for the loss sleep.

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Lily_s371 profile image
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38 Replies
Hisue profile image

Do you have any medical conditions that may cause insomnia? RA gave me terrible insomnia. Sleep deprivation can make a person crazy. Dr gave me temazepam Rx, a sleeping pill.

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Hisue

I don't think so, I recently got blood work and they said everything was fine. It's just me overthinking everything keeping me up. I'm tired but I just can't fall asleep because I'm afraid to.

Hisue profile image
Hisue in reply to Lily_s371

That is good that you had good physical work up. Stress, depression & anxiety can also cause insomnia,. Sounds like some medication &/or therapy would help. Did you discuss with dr who did the bldwork?

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Hisue

No they just took my blood and called me a day later to tell me the results were good. I'm talking to a counselor but I won't see her until next month. But I might go to the doctors tomorrow.

Hisue profile image
Hisue in reply to Lily_s371

Sounds like seeing a doctor ASAP would be best. The dr can give you a sleeping pill or tranquilizer Rx. It’s important to get some sleep until you can resolve the overthinking & anxiety issues with your counselor.

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Hisue

I don't know if I want to take sleeping pills though..what if I get use to taking them and won't be able to sleep without it.. I know it's best If I do but Everytime I go I can't tell the doctor I just freeze..I feel embarresesed to tell her..

Hisue profile image
Hisue in reply to Lily_s371

It may help to write down what you want to ask or tell the dr & bring it with you to the appt. I did not want to take sleeping pills either- but I was becoming a basket case from lack of sleep. Look at it as a temporary solution until you can see the counselor.

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Hisue

Okay I'll tell them I can't sleep at night. But I am tired at night though its just I can't fall asleep because of my worries.

Diyguy profile image

Sorry to hear about your sleep problems. I get the same way too. I find that if I can't sleep, reading a book until I'm tired enough helps to keep my mind occupied. I hope you can get some sleep tonight.

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Diyguy

Ill try but I worry about what time it is and if I'm still up. Because I just think about the amount of sleep I'm loosing when I'm still up. I'll try though. Thank you. 😊

Starrlight profile image

Sometimes I take melatonin and benedryl before bed. I’m hoping you get a good sleep tonight.

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Starrlight

Thank you I'll try that.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Lily_s371

Best to you!

Agora1 profile image

Hi Lily, I'm sorry you've experienced problems with sleeping. I will say that you

must be careful in what kind of tea you drink. Most regular teas can have more

caffeine than coffee. (Esp. Green Tea) I drink Decaf Tea or Chamomile.

Wishing you a better night. :) xx

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Agora1

I drink chamomile tea as well and it says it cafine free . The tea relaxes my body but not my mind..

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lily_s371

Good Chamomile is soothing. As for the ruminating thoughts, there is a video

on YouTube that may help some in slowing down your mind.

"Guided Meditation for Detachment from Overthinking" by Michael Seeley

Wish you well :) xx

Jura_20 profile image

Hey 👋 I’m a terrible sleeper aswell . I find 5htp & cbd oil works at times . If that doesn’t work I take some strong painkillers ( isn’t recommended)

Camomile tea is best as has no caffeine ..

Sleeping pills from the doctor can have side effects , weight gain & can take a few nights to properly take effect ..

you could try reading before bed , it helps take your mind away from things x

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Jura_20

I'll try reading a book but when I'm on the bed trying to sleep that's when I start over thinking.

in reply to Jura_20

Hello Jura. Just wondering about your username. Are you by chance Lithuanian? I know of the Lithuanian name Jūra.

Coloradowalker profile image

First off.... love your name. So much so that I named one of my daughters Lily. I’m sorry you are struggling honey. Losing sleep is miserable and can create more fear. Know that your body and mind have slept for 13 years and you will sleep well again. Learning more about your anxiety in counseling will help as will talking opening and honestly with your parents and doctor about how you feel. Doctors talk to their patients every day about anxiety, insomnia and fears. You deserve to feel relaxed and content. Wishing you sweet dreams real soon❤️

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Coloradowalker

Thank you so much but my mom doesn't understand me.. she just blames it on my phone or computer.. she doesn't understand how I'm feeling really. She just takes me to different doctors because she thinks I have a medical problem. But atleast I have counseling, but once every month usually..so it's kinda hard to wait that long. And I won't see mine until February.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lily_s371

Lily, I'm a mother as well and can tell you that being on the phone

or computer right until the minute you go to bed is not going to allow

for your mind to settle down. I have a daughter who basically has her

cell attached to her hand throughout the day, into the evening as well

as in bed which she hopelessly waits to fall asleep. It doesn't happen

because her brain is so wired on all the stimulation it's receiving from the

phone and the computer that it can't settle down. The brain gets confused

and doesn't realize that it's time to turn off.

Your mother may very well be telling you the truth. It wouldn't hurt in

trying to turn off all electronic devices a couple hours before bedtime.

While you try to wind down, read a book or listen to meditation on relaxation

and breathing. I think you might see a difference in your sleep pattern. :) xx

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Agora1

Okay I'll try that, thank you so much for the tips.

in reply to Lily_s371

Agora is spot on, Lily. If you’re on the phone/computer for a long time especially before getting to bed your brain is overloaded, it’s too much stimulation for the mind and that’s not beneficial for falling asleep.

Reading a book, having a cup of chamomile tea, warm milk ...

I don’t know if this was suggested but if you can download the Calm app or something similar - it does require the use of your phone, lol, however, you’re simply going to choose some calming music for meditation (you don’t actually need to ‘meditate’ just listen to the music. There are some really peaceful pieces on it and even just sounds only, like nature sounds and such.

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to

Yeah I'll try to not be on my phone alot. So the reason I overthink is because I'm on my phone alot?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lily_s371

Lily, the light emitted from the phone or computer interrupts the sleep cycle in

the brain. It doesn't know that it's night time. When going to bed, it helps to

turn off all electronic devices, have the room darkened, temperature a little cool

so that both your mind and body know it's time to close down for the day. Your

body needs to go into REM sleep that is when it regenerates our muscles and

nervous system. It's an important function of our being. :) xx

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Agora1

Yeah but I overthink sleep to and sleep seems scary to me for some reason..i know it's normal but for some reason it freaks me out. And being uncontious for so long also freaks me out.. I know it's normal but idk why I feel this way..it's not normal to feel this way about sleep so I must sound silly.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lily_s371

It doesn't sound silly in the least. My daughter also worries about not sleeping.

Every morning I get a brief update as to what time she finally fell asleep or didn't

sleep. It is her #1 worry. The more you worry, the less likely to fall asleep.

There are 2 things you might want to do. One is to get a sleep study done. This

will detect if there is any physical reason you can't fall asleep. The other, if found

that this is a psychological issue, it will need to be addressed by a therapist/doctor

to work out the reasons you fear being unconscious. :) xx

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Agora1

What's a sleep study

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lily_s371

A sleep study is where you are in a safe room in the hospital where you

will be watched while you sleep or try to sleep. Electrodes will be placed

in various places on your head so that you can be monitored by a

Neurologist. It is non invasive and doesn't hurt. It gives the doctors much

information on your brain and your sleep habits.

Well my dear Lily, I need to say Goodnight, have to wind down before going

to bed. I do practice what I preach :) We can talk again tomorrow if you'd

like or have other questions.

Wishing you sweet dreams. :) xx

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Agora1

Wait so even though I'm not able to sleep when they do that they'll still collect info?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lily_s371

Sorry Lily, I don't know any more than that. A certain amount of sleep is required

to get the data they are looking for. This isn't saying you need one done. Only your

doctor can determine that. Have a talk with your doctor regarding your concern

in not being able to sleep. There are other ways as we talked about in preparing

you for bedtime which should be tried first. :) xx

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Agora1

Im going to talk to them tomorrow because that's when my appointment is at. I'll just see what she thinks I should do as well. Thank you . 😊

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lily_s371

Good Luck dear. Let us know :) xx

Lily_s371 profile image
Lily_s371 in reply to Agora1

Im going to the doctors right now I'll let ya guys know what they say

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lily_s371

:) xx I'll be watching for your update.

Coloradowalker profile image

I agree with Agora about setting the phone down for an hour or two before bed and Broken 9902 is right about listening to some calming music or sounds. You have done an amazing job expressing yourself on your phone or computer with us. Now is the time to express yourself in person to your family, your friends and your doctor. You seem so brave. I know you’ll be able to do this. Keep us posted ❤️

Lazy_dog_lover profile image

Have you heard of biurnal beats? Before bed, drink your tea or hot cocoa with milk, put on headphones (very important) think of your happy place, play 30 minutes of theta and then switch to delta. If you can sleep with the headphones on, go ahead. If not, shut it off and lie down. Think of your happy place.

I use Spotify. YouTube has some but the compression rate messes with the sounds. There are also CDs or mp3 versions.

Crunch toes, hold 5 seconds and relax. Tighten thighs and relax. Tighten butt muscles and relax. Tighten abs and relax. Tighten biceps and relax. Tighten fists and relax. Scrunch eyebrows and relax.

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