I’m new here ... and I'm not entirely sure what I expected. I was hoping for something a little more instantaneous, like a chat room. Tossing a post to a board, and playing the waiting game is kind of brutal, especially when immediate communication would be preferable. For those interested in the "why" of my being on here, simply read my profile bio; if any of that speaks to you, you wish to offer condolences, or maybe share relationship-war-stories, feel free to reply. Thanks for your time.
Wondering if this is worth it. - Anxiety and Depre...
Wondering if this is worth it.

I'm here enigmaticide....that wasn't too long a wait now was it? And that included
reading your Bio which I always feel is important in getting to know what the
person is all about.
This is an amazing forum my friend. Men and women of all ages, some who
will relate to exactly what you are going through. We may not be professional
therapists but the life journey we have all been on have allowed us to grow
through life's experiences.
Don't ever believe that because you are a man, that your hurt is any less painful
than a woman's. That is old school thought of men being macho and never cry
and all the other stuff that comes with manhood. And that is why many men turn
to drink or drugs. Let out your emotions, we will help you pick up the pieces of
your life so that you can go forward one step at a time. I'm glad to welcome you
to our virtual family forum. xx
Thank you. You're awesome!
So are you, don't forget that xx
Appreciated, but don't be TOO supportive; I still wish to believe you in the morning.
You'll find that I'm a very positive person. It took me a long
time to get where I'm at and my goal now is to pass it forward
and help others. Not to worry, one day at a time. I don't want
to overwhelm you with confidence xx
Well I'm back to Dr. Pimple Popper lol
Oh GODS! I've been subjected to an episode or two of that. (Note the wording.) I enjoy telling myself I'm a tough guy, but that show makes me all levels of squeemish. :/
I live Dr. Pimple popper at my job. 😣 So not fun in person.

Guess I luck out as overnight security. Speaking of which, I need more sleep. Nighters peeps!
Good night!! Tomorrow is another day. You don't need her any way. 🤗
I am fairly new and was skeptical too but a few times someone has replied with just what I needed. I, like you, am trying to cope with a couple failed relationships... divorce after 17 years and a rebound. Both of which were not healthy relationships. I’m not even sure I know what that means or if it’s like a unicorn. Not sure if you’re like this but I usually sandwich a decent day between a couple of terrible days filled with guilt, shame, sadness, and most of all... my old friend loneliness. Welcome to the community. I hope something you read gives you encouragement and strength!
Thanks. I appreciate the support. One of my ongoing issues is that I have a soft spot for women that could be termed as, "hard-cases". Oh sure, they have their pre-existing assortment of baggage but, gosh, they can actually carry a conversation and that's way hotter to me than a dolled-up dial tone. :/