Does anybody ever feel like their heart palpitations kick in right before bed?
Thank you.
Does anybody ever feel like their heart palpitations kick in right before bed?
Thank you.
Are you on any medicines before going to bed to help to help calm you down or medicines that might give you heart palpitations? Some people get anxiety before bed & I get anxiety in the morning. I do better in the evening hours. Hope more people respond to your post & hang in there!❤️
I do better during the day cause im busy but once i lay down my heart starts to pound i think its cause im alone then i start to reply things that happen or even make up scenarios but after awhile i finally fall asleep. I do take valium as need but i try not to and try a natural ways but sometimes I end up taking one cause im tired. I sometimes get heart palpitations when i wake up but just for a few seconds then it goes away when i get up.
I do sometimes. I think it’s because whether I realize it or not I am ruminating over the day.... past events, future events, you get the idea lol
Exactly!How i feel every night. I thought I was the only one.I try not to take medication but sometimes my heart palpitations are so loud or my breathing that i need one.
( I am like why am i thinking about random things and can they stop so i can go to bed but then i finally go to sleep:/)
You definitely aren’t alone. Lol. I am right there with you. I lay down and my brain is like hey remember that really bad thing that happened 3 years ago?? Let’s think about that. Next thing I know I’m having heart palps so then I can play the game of is this anxiety related or not
I usually lay down in my bed around 8pm & listen to my radio with ear plugs & that helps me relax & put my blanket over me & get all snuggle & feel relaxed. I feel better when my husband is home also & I feel safe & secure. I'll be doing this tonight when he gets home from work & after dinner.❤️🙏
I resemble this remark!
Seriously, you could have described what my treacherous brain does to me. Then it insists on thinking "I just hope to goodness I don't have any trouble getting to sleep. If I lose any more sleep it'll end up making me really ill". This is of course exactly what you should think if you don't want to get to sleep any time soon.
By the way I like your dog, assuming it's your dog on your avatar ☺️
Lol! I do that too! Then I count the hours, if I fall asleep right now I will still get 6 hours of sleep...why aren’t I sleeping yet?! Now I’m down to 5 hours. 😂
Thank you!! She is mine. A little spoiled girl she is. 😉
She's lovely. I can see she's a Schnauzer type but it's hard to judge scale on a little circular avatar like that so I couldn't guess what kind. What kind is she? Obviously all the best people use their dogs on their avatars!
Yeah you're right I am probably saying that cause my Jack Russell, Monty is on mine. But he deserves to be because having him literally saves my life when I'm stuck in the house at the same time as struggling with my mental health. Just having another being present who is glad that you exist can make all the difference on the worst days. As a dog owner you probably know that firsthand.
You are right! She is a King Schnauzer (king charles mixed with a miniature schnauzer). Her name is Penelope. She’s my best friend. Follows me everywhere and has this way of making me smile, even when I think I can’t. You are also so very kind. 🤗🤗
I wish I could see a bigger pic of Monty. I already know he is a cutie. I know what you mean about how much value they add to our lives. We are lucky to have them.
You can only add images to the original post in a thread not to replies but this link should bring one up if I didn't screw it up too badly :
Let me know if it doesn't work.
P. S. depending on your browser you might have to click the amazon photos link again on a redirect page to confirm you want to see content from outside HealthUnlocked
It worked. He’s SO cute!!!! Lots of kisses and hugs to Mr. Monty. 😄🤗
Not before bed, but definitely at different times of my day. Maybe not everyday either, but it all depends. In high stressful situations most definitely yes! It sucks.