Hi. I left a post about 14 hrs ago about my second week of ECT, crying, Thanksgiving, etc. is anyone out there? I’m sorry I’m so needy I’m just feeling so alone and sad.
Anyone there? : Hi. I left a post about... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone there?

Hi Nicetry. Please don't let anyone tell you you are needy. You are not.
It's a hard time you are going through. I hope you get through this. Please remember to keep breathing. Something helped you realise and get help, keep that in mind and keep going. One day at a time. It's okay. It is absolutely fine. Your timelines are your own.
A few years ago, I broke down because i couldn't celebrate festivals/holidays the way I wanted to. My life and health didn't allow. I was too harsh on myself and circumstances. But once I picked my threads, the way you are doing right now, I am sure pretty soon you will have reasons to be grateful and happy about. Please hang in there.
It's way past midnight and I am.not able to get sleep myself, but I remember the day I decided I'll not let my mind tell me otherwise. If not immediately, I'll get some sleep. You will be better too.
Please feel safe. Please remember to love yourself.
Thank you.
Hope you are feeling better. Sending love right across the oceans. Love, light and hugs. Feel better. Feel free to chat/reach out and ping us.
Never EVER feel guilty for reaching out. YOU are a star for going through and you'll definitely see light at the end of the tunnel.
Love and love.
Nicetry I feel for you ! You are not needy just in need of some help right now - even with people around us we can feel alone . Do you have a dr or therapist you can reach out to also ? I’m wishing you peace - the holidays are a hard time for many - myself included ❤️
I’m sorry love. Let me know if you need to chat!
I’m here❤️
You are not alone. I have a local support group I attend weekly in my town. Have you checked if you have any in your town?
Hi there. Sorry missed post earlier. Can i do anything? Pm me back.
read your post.
well, you should address these problems. I feel memory loss bothers you most (though it is more loss of concentration, as you clearly remembered doing poses, just skipped the part that you should change them).
Never heard much about ECT. Then again many "self medications" involve a lot of same and worse effects. E.g. alcohol induces serious loss of memory if used too long.
Sorry sweetie, I was not on the computer the past day or so. I know this is a rough time right now. We are all here for you!
Nicetry.... how are you feeling now??❤️
Sometimes intakes a few treatments to get a noticeable give yourself a big hug.
I hope you’re feeling better now. I’m sorry I wasn’t available.
Sending you love and hugs my friend💛
I’m so sorry you are feeling alone and sad. It makes me feel sad that you and so many others feel this way. We are here to listen so please don’t get discouraged. I hope you feel better soon.
That's ok, there are going to be time's when you won't get a response, it's happened to me. I just vent with No expectations. Are you still in counciling?
what changes we feel after ECT ? can it remove brain neck muscle pain ( due to anxiety neurosis) wtsspp +91 9898510984
You are right, we all are alone. Few words here help no one. We still have no friends, nobody to talk, still we are sad, even we are here, on this platform. We try to support each other here, but few words doesn't help. Next day we are sad again, we are alone again. What is the solution? I didn't find one. I fight with my life trying to survive. That's all I do.
I have found more relief on this platform than I thought possible. There is a solution. You and I just haven’t found it yet. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. (((Hugs)))
We are all here for you! Feel free to message me whenever you need! Xoxox
Sorry, I meant to say sometimes it takes a few treatments to get a noticeable effect.
I hope you’re feeling ok.
If you’re getting forgetful,lack of concentration etc, get a notepad and pen and write EVERYTHING down.its a pain,but stick with it.
Don’t worry about lack of initial replies. Sometimes I’ve poured my heart out - no reply.
It’s just depends who’s about on the forum.stay strong
Thanks for the tips, Oshgosh. I think it will come in especially handy if my doc decides to try bipolar instead of unipolar ECT.
I’m very sorry I’m used to getting rejected or punished for caring
It’s ok when women carecbutbwhen men do people say wxarecfull of it no matter how sincere sonseckeep to ourselves
I’m very sorry ur alone
Truly welcome to the community
Please tell us about yurself orcsnythjng

Brig57, unfortunately I think you’re right that men have a tougher time in our society. I’m not a man, that’s just my observation. ... I live in US but happen to have lots of family in the UK (Yorkshire and in Ireland). I’m an exercise physiologist so fortunately I can work part time. My husband is the main breadwinner. I was diagnosed with depression at age 16, and in the 30 yrs since have attempted suicide twice & was hospitalized both times; taken practically every med known to man, and am now receiving ECT treatments. Been in therapy the entire time.
There have certainly been ups and downs as I navigate through depressive episodes — I’ve been in the depths of an episode now for longer than I can remember. It’s very hard to push through the day.
Yur field is fascinating I’m so sorry depression has stolen thejoy and quality of yurexperience I lack the words but perhaps u get the message ur condition so unfair to a fine person people suffer so much from theseckndition itvis horriblybunfairv and what can they do but endurecthecveryvreal painduring theceoisides. Sobsirry
I too had problems with allowing myself to feel good on holidays and would sabotage with health anxiety. Ego is what gets in our way. It’s the part of our brain that puts all the chatter in: things are bad, I might be sick, no one loves me, etc... Do some deep breathing and repeat a positive mantra. Talk to that voice in your brain and let it know You are the one in control, not it and it’s negative thoughts and worst case scenarios. Most importantly never stop writing and asking for support. Even the toughest people nowadays ( NFL AND NHL players) are speaking out about their mental problems. Don’t ever feel guilty about speaking out for yours
I’m here. Are u ok??
You didn’t like results from ECT?
My doc says it’s too soon to tell. I’ve only had three treatments. He said if I don’t notice improvement after 5 or 6 he’d want to try bipolar treatments, for which they put sensors on both sides of the head instead of just one. Supposed to be more effective but also carries greater risk of memory loss. Sometimes I feel so bad I don’t really care.
Hi Nice...I saw ur post a few moments ago..are you near any family..have a close friend..a pastor you can call? I am in the pit at times and feel so alone..lonely and have noone that I can trust with my honest thoughts..so I take a piece of paper and with every thought in my head I write a letter to God in dashes. __ __ until I exhaust myself. Sometimes I cry thru it. I do feel better because I know God hears my thoughts..He alone can so its powerful.
I can lift you up thru my day that God give you a desire to seek him and trust him.
I am happy to write back and forth if you would feel it could help you.
Thank you artisitinresidence. I can always talk to my husband — though he’s at work now — or contact my sister, who unfortunately is in a different time zone here in the US & works as well. They are my two main confidantes. I also have a good friend here in town I can call. ... I journal a lot.
I was raised Catholic (my dad is Irish) & have lost a TON of faith in the church of late. My only “conversation” with God lately amounts to “how could you do this to me? What have I done to deserve this?!” Thank you SO much for answering.
I think the church in general are people..sinners..Rexall r sinners saved by grace. But we are study and make ourselves approved to God..and not thru other than Gods word. Studying allows us to go deep into his word and we receive his revelation thru the wisdom God gives us. Get into a bible study with ladies that are mature seasoned Christian's. You will find a place you can call home. It's a step at a time . Try reading the book of John out loud...you see when we read outloud Gods word our ears hear..and it goes into us.. I pray you seek Gods peace one on one. Theres no greater comfort.
I am always here. I have a lot of the same feelings. You are not alone.
I'm here how are you feeling today?
Thank you URocks. That means so much to me, I can’t even tell you. ❤️
I was cut off I was talking about essential oils for Depression. I purchase them from Doterra Into Essential Oils 800-411-8151. I order Balance, Frankincense, Elevation. I rub them on the back of my neck and top of arms. One in each separate place. It works for me. Antidepressants don't work for me. I've tried them all. Good luck and if you get them let me know how they work for you. You can't use both antidepressants and essential oils at the same time. It's either one or the other. Keep smiling things will get better. Hugs!
You will get through this. Hang in there. People care.
Hi! Look it's normal to feel the need to talk to someone, but it's not reason for you to call yourself needy!
I know how you feel and if you ever need someone to talk you can send me message, I want you to know that you're not alone!

Thank you! ❤️