Hello, my friends here at H/U. As you know I've been silent for quite a while as far as posting is concerned. I'm breaking that silence today to ask for your kind thoughts, well wishes, prayers & helpful advice concerning this impending powerful hurricane....As many of you know, I met Sue right here on H/U. I moved in with her on Dec. 24 of last year. I've been here in Florida with her for 8 months now. This is my first hurricane and it might rattle me a bit. Sue has lived here for 60 years and is a veteran at these occurrences but, even she will tell you it's no laughing matter....We give out much love and support to the people of this site without asking for much in return. Today, however, we're asking that you think of all the people who live in this beautiful state that will be affected by this rather large storm....Love to everyone and you are all in my prayers daily. This storm is due to hit on Tuesday and reach it's closest point to us on Wednesday. Sue and I will continue offering help and love to our fellow H/U members even through the storm, if possible. Thanks in advance for your love, help & support!
A Word About Hurricane Dorian.... - Anxiety and Depre...
A Word About Hurricane Dorian....

oh dear it looks like an evil one jeg.
*hugs* Please be safe! Hurricanes are no joke. Your life is far more important than any belongings you may own. I'll keep you and your friend in my prayers! Hang in there and keep us posted if possible!!!

We need all the hugs we can get BCG. Thanks for that. I will post updates if possible of what's going on. I've only been on this site about a year and it almost seems like a second home to me. I could never quite give it up. I like helping people too much....People over stuff always. Right? Been my motto most of my life. Thanks for your support. Sue sends her thanks too!
Keep safe both of you. x
Thank you, HC54!
You are both welcome. We don't get those kind of things in the UK but having seen them on telly they look horrendous! Do you live in Tornado Alley? x
No, but tornadoes can result as a by product of hurricanes. Florida is a very tropical like state which is fairly close to the main path of hurricane development. Usually they turn away just before they reach here. This one is not. They have recently updated the odds to a 75% chance it will hit the east coast. While we are on the west coast, Florida isn't very wide so we will get some pretty negative result/ At least 50 mph sustained winds + 6 to 12 inches of rain. That isn't good at all. If it comes even close to us, the results could be even worse. That's why I'm asking for people's well wishes, good thoughts and prayers. But, I'm asking them to think about the whole state too, not just us. We appreciate the support, believe me!
Big hugs to our hu lovebirds. I hope you guys (& love ones & everyone else in our hu family) stay safe. My thoughts will be with you... we know it can be scary, so don't be afraid to reach out.💛
Thanks so much. Very thoughtful. We definitely have other HU members in its path.
You both are sweet & very kind. Your "something beautiful " posts are great... have helped me, remind me to take in the beauty around us. Hope you guys are doing well. 💗
JEG, sending both you and Sue my prayers for a safe journey through this
horrific storm. Caring thoughts sent your way. xx
You really are A1 in my book, my friend! I appreciate the kinds words and your support. Sue does too! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!
Prayers for your safety!
I’ve just said a prayer to the hurricane god....specialist in anything storm related, stay safe 🤞
But can you find me a couple good songs to get me through this possibly nerve wracking ordeal? Thanks for your support. Say hi to the hurricane god for me too!
Ha, you were faster than me! Good song. Not a Doors fan but, always liked this one! Much appreciated. My sweetie says, 'Thanks' too but, she likes contemporary christian top 40. Keep up the good work. The world and this site can always use some more music. After all, it soothes the savage beast and sometimes our problems can be quite beastly, can't they?
I like Annie's song....Thanks, my friend!
Over The Rainbow is really cool too! Thanks!
We’re in Charlotte County and I’m anxious there with you. We owned a home which was hit by Charlie in 2004 (BIG BIG DEAL in Charlotte County). In the ensuing years we built our dream house (which we lost to bankruptcy and foreclosure during the recession). We ended up in a mobile home park and my depression/anxiety kicked in.
When Irma was knocking at our door in 2017, the preparation time threw me over the edge. That’s when I reached out for professional help. The possibility of another loss was debilitating.
The therapy and meds are working, but I’m a bit anxious about Dorian. We are preparing (shutters down, cash on hand, water, gas, personal papers ready to take in evacuation plan, etc).
One spot of humor is a meme I found on FB that said something like “Waiting on a hurricane is like being stalked by a turtle.”
The waiting time triggers my anxiety, but it’s still a ways out. I feel worse for East Coast people.
But there was life after Charlie (and Andrew, Michael, etc). And some very positive results have come from all of them).
Stay safe. Lynne
Good wishes and thoughts coming your way from me...
🌹🌹 x

Much appreciated, O40. I have missed responding to all of my friends like this, although I wish it were better circumstances that brought me back to post again. I still write regularly and I think about posting an occasional poem but, somehow never do. Sue and I thank you for your concern!
Much love to you and Sue always. Definitely thinking of and praying for the both of you! ❤️❤️
Coming from you that means more than just the average person. To Sue and I, you are almost like our daughter. We both certainly regard you as a best friend. I will especially endeavor to keep in contact with you and let you know what is going on as best I can. Have a blessed day, my friend!
Lynne, that was quite helpful. I lived in Cincinnati, Ohio all my life. Up there we had an occasional tornado warning, snowstorm or severe cold snap. But, we never had anything like a large hurricane. I didn't sleep today and it could be, in part, because of my worry. Speaking of turtles, Dorian is slowing down and getting more time to strengthen. We live in Pinellas county, so, I can sympathize with your feelings. We were just down your way a few days ago in the Ft. Myers area. I hope and pray that all of the residents of this fine and beautiful state come through this ordeal as unscathed as possible. Sue and my thoughts and prayers are with you....
And mine are with you. Hunker down.
You too. I might communicate with you directly some if you don't mind, since you are pretty close to where I live. It would be nice to pm with someone that has direct experience with what we're going though & life in Florida, in general. Maybe we could even visit you the next time we get down Ft Myer's way. My sweetie loves Sanibel Island. She especially likes shelling in the ocean water. She says she's a confirmed 'water baby'....Hope we're all safe!
I would love to PM with you (and Sue). There are certain Florida idiosyncrasies (especially for full time residents) which make life adventurous to say the least. I’m a “water baby” myself (Astrologically verified), so we have that in common. Would love to meet up with you if you’re in the area.
We’re watching news now and most of our surrounding counties (ours included) have declared states of emergency. My anxiety is increasing as time goes on. But the 5 o’clock update may be a positive one for us.
I am also keeping a close check on the situation. I check 4 times per day for updates. I will pm you then about this as the days pass and we deal with it more and more. Sue will want to talk to you too. We like communicating with fellow Floridians. We could easily head back down your way the next mini vacation we take. That might be within a month or two. Have a really blessed evening, Lynne!
I'm raring to go with this meeting up business! And I could spend all day in the water if you let me! But John doesn't feel that way at all so that won't be happening. I saw my 1st cuttlefish in Sanibel at night and schools of squid somewhere else...Aruba. I'd never heard they moved in schools! I thought they were loners. So fun to see and learn this stuff! I also have an Aruban conch...not exactly like any of our conchs...distinctly different. Nuff said.
Sweetie, you're adorable! If you wanna be in the water all day, I'll find something to do while you splash around and go shelling....
Praying for you, Sue and those affected by the storms. It is scary, indeed. I will keep you guys in my prayers.💗
hi jeg how are you hope you battened down the hatches as they say how are things with the hurricane.