My friends, some of you have worried greatly about me the past few days. Let me reiterate that I have anxiety, depession, PTSD & panic disorder....Those are mental disorders. I have a physical one too. It's called Hypokalemia.This is characterized by an unexplained loss of potassium. I don't know if I have mentioned it before or not. In it's least serious mode, when you get it, you have your potassium restored, you eat a potassium rich diet and you go on with your life. It's over and done. In it's most serious mode, the potassium continues to bleed out on occasion for unknown reasons. Anything can set it off, stress, not enough food or waiting too long to take my prescription vitamins. For me, this can have somewhat dire consequences. When my potassium & vit D get too low, my sugar level/insulin mechanism malfunctions. This causes a massive sugar low. It does not respond to sweet stuff either. It only responds to a balance of protein, fiber & complex carbs + my vitamins. The domino effect continues as the massive sugar low triggers something called a 'specific anxiety attack', which can also trigger a panic attack. The aftermath of an attack usually involves varying degrees of depression. During & after these attacks, my emotions run very high and I can act quite erratically. You get way over the top responses from me. Both this & the depression can last several days sometimes. The only way I know to fight the attack other than eating & taking my meds, is to talk it out. If I have someone on the site talking to me during the attack it can blunt the affects up to 40%. I don't know why I need someone to talk me through this stuff when I know what it's about but, I just do. Afterword, I need lots of talk and friendship for several days to fight the after affects. I know I have responded emotionally well over the top a unch of times. Generally, that's the reason why. I had a mild attack yesterday but, Jane_Doe 2018 helped talk me through it. She miigated the serious affects considerably. I won't forget that anytime soon. Last Sunday, I had such an attack and tried to go it alone. I freaked out and had a panic attack too. Look, I try to be strong for everyone I come in contact with here. But, some days it may just be a bit beyond me. I just thought I would tell my family here at the ADAA site, what was going on. I love you all!
A Word About Hypokalemia: My friends... - Anxiety and Depre...
A Word About Hypokalemia

JEG, I'm so glad you did open up to our virtual family. We don't always know what's
going on behind the scenes with our people. I'm surprised that you are struggling
the way you do. You appear to be there for each and every one of us as well as
bring love and harmony to this site.
But now the rest of us know that JEG has his own issues that he deals with. Actually,
we will be more supportive and understanding when you are in need.
They say a "hug a day, keeps the doctor away" but maybe it will emotionally support
you in knowing you aren't alone. Sending a gentle hug to a wonderful member of
our family x
I totally agree!
That brought tears to my eyes. I have often overlooked how I was feeling, to help others. I talked a person out of suicide right in the middle of that severe attack last Sunday. It was all I could do to even type a word let alone add that stress to my ongoing attack. I am a stubborn cuss and I try to perservere despite my maladies. Though it has been advised strongly that I cut back my activities here, I will still be here when any of my friends need me. That includes you, Agora1. I consider you among my top friends and supporters here. I refuse to give up no matter what!
John, thanks for helping us understand better. I'm so glad you had Jane_Doe2018 to help you yesterday and I hope and pray that one of us will always be available to you. Don't hesitate to try me IF you think I can be of help.? No wonder you're so dedicated to your friends here...they're your lifeline sometimes...but also I think it's intrinsic to your good nature.
You have the most unusual reason for having anxiety I've ever heard so far and I'm sure that someone else with the same problem will come along some day and may benefit from knowing how you handle it and from you simply sharing this so...thank you for that! I'm sure you'll have tremendous support from many people here, and that's the way it should be. I think I'm free tonight after all if you are down, like you said, and want distraction, talk, jokes, or whatever you ask for. Talk later!
Hugs, Love, and Blessings...
You are one classy lady, my special friend!
Hey JEG, thank you for opening up and further explaining about Hypokalemia. Unfortunately, I do not know anyone with that condition, so I feel like I am at a loss of what to do to help. That doesn't mean I won't be here to support you, though! Please know you can always reach out and I'll be there I literally have no idea what I am doing most of the time, but I try my best, and I am so happy I was able to help. You have an army of people here for you <3
You all are making me cry....But, in a good way. I was so isolated previously. I never had any support. Especially not anyone who cared enough to try and understand how I feel. Do you understand why I fight for my friends so fiercely! I will not give up, just because of that! Thank you, my much beloved friend! 500 kaziilion appreciative hugs just for you!
Your problem is a very graphic depiction of how closely the mind and body are connected. I'm so sorry to learn of your struggle. It explains why you care so much about us, and are so very knowledgeable about what to say that will help us. You are an inspiration for all of us. Love you.
You make me smile!
Any time, dear one!
How ya doin this evening, NCAQ?
Not real good, but it will pass. It's the same ole, same ole. I'm trying to let go of some issues that are longstanding, and I'm not doing a very good job of it. My husband is a very good listener, but this is his burden, too, and I don't want to add to it. I know I do this too much, not reaching out when I need help, but old habits sure are hard to break.
Sorry to dump, but your shoulders are so big, I feel safe doing so. Already I feel a bit of relief. Thank you.
Dump away. I've got 2 strong shoulders, 2 strong ears & no waiting!...When the night is long and you can't go on....There's a place of refuge that waits for you....When your tears fall down and the rain joins in....There's a heart fulll of love waiting too.....When you feel alone alone, like no one cares....I will carry your burden till the night is through.....And just when you think you've reached the end.....I will pick you up and carry you too!....[From the pen and heart of JEG325 to one on my best friends her. I will always here for you!]
Just hearing you say that makes me feel better. One of these days, soon, I'll spill everything and ask for your help. I'm almost ready. I'll pm.
Did you like my poem?
Good evening! Are you feeling better now? You know you can always reach out to me. I got your back brother.
the jjegster is alive and kicking.great poem big chap absolute brilliant.
Which one?
both of them jeg.i like poetry of my own.stopped writing in darker days even had one published for charity wrote many but just got binned.i couldn't go back three my friend.
We are all here for you. Just as we are here for each other. Please feel free to contact me too if you need to talk. I’m the same way. Talking things out really helps me too. Hope you are feeling better.
Oh, JEG, I had no idea. Like the song, "Lean on Me" says: "No one can fill those of your needs that you won't let show." But gosh, I so need to learn to lean on others better so I hear you. Stay well, friend. I'm glad you reached out and got support when you needed it. I am trying to learn to do the same! Hugs!🌈🌸🌞
Missed you, my friend. I am still here for my friends like you. You can pm me whenever you want. Perhaps we could get to know each other some too. I would enjoy talking to you, exchanging problems, ideas & solutions. I am good at that. LS, I look forward, very much, to hearing from you. 100 kazillion loving hugs for your kind words!
Okay, sounds good!! My messages are open for business! 😄
Yes, things have been busy here so I haven't been on the site as much. That may be the case for the coming weeks as well. Work, family visiting, applying to grad school, cleaning (oh dear - I need to clean!).
Sometimes I feel a little out-of-the-loop because I haven't dealt with anxiety as much and can't share a lot in the conversations about that. But I know you all have a good community here and it's nice to see that support.
I'll talk to you about anything. Even cleaning! Love you and miss you my friend!