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anxiety/panic attacks - unable to fulfill daily tasks

chazan profile image
8 Replies

my mid 20s year old son is experiencing a myriad of mental health issues - bipolar, anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, epilepsy, and battled off and on with substance abuse. emotional immaturity and oppositional defiance/mood swings are prevalent. 11 seizures in 7 years - though almost all seizures preceded by substance abuse. in the last two weeks, after leaving a residential treatment facility, we have seen a material decline in his ability to be alone, heightened level of anxiety. wants family to take care of him but not interfere with doctors. he is so fearful of another seizure, tends to overdo it on antiseizure meds though has a hard time from refraining from marijuana. not functioning any more outside of sleeping/eating, cant walk straight, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, easily overwhelmed. seeing a psychiatrist and neurologist but sense of urgency doesnt seem to be there. not sure who to turn to or what to try next but we are at a loss for next steps

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chazan profile image
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8 Replies
Pugglesworth profile image

Hi Chazan.


It sounds like your son has A LOT on his plate and you are his main support. That is probably made all the more frustrating for the both of you with the substance abuse. That may be a product of rebelling against his multiple issues. It sounds like something I might do when I was his age after being confronted with all of what you wrote. There is only so much you can do when someone is being self-destructive. It's painful to watch, but it can turn into the process of acceptance.

My best is advice is give him some room with all the love you can muster. It doesn't sound like he's in danger so that may explain the doctor's attitude. He is an adult so you're not responsible for his care. Epilepsy is a neurological condition so it would seem to me to be the most important to stabilize. Then he could work on the next issue.

I know how frustrating this can be. I'm currently taking care of my elderly mother. It's not quite the same, but I'm watching her mental and physical faculties degrade, the fear it produces and it's not easy. Make sure you get support for yourself as it's very common for caregivers to head down a slope too.

Lotsa Love your way.

chazan profile image
chazan in reply to Pugglesworth

Very much appreciate this thoughtful message, really made my day to receive these well wishes... May your day be filled with promise and good fortune

jcoe2004 profile image

I have gone through all of the above, the same as your son, and I can tell you right now, the underlying problem is not being treated properly, and it's going to be hard to find a doctor that will prescribe him a Benzo. I was self treating with alcohol for years, and it was hell. I am a grown woman at the age of 40, soon to be a grandmother, and I have been clean for over a year and a half due to the Klonapin I was prescribed. It saved my life. I was plagued by panic attacks. I had them from the minute I woke up until the time I went to bed, and they are debilitating - BIG TIME! I have two small children and a husband of 15 years, so I have a great support system, and it sounds like he does too. I am on 200 mg of Zoloft per day and 6 mg of Klonapin a day, but that has been upped over time. I started at 1 mg of Klonapin three times a day at timed intervals, and it has literally saved my life. When my husband brought me to the hospital for the last and final time, I was alone in an abandoned inn that a friend of ours owns, and when I got to the hospital, I collapsed in the ER waiting room, started seizing, had pneumonia, and almost died. I really hope you can find someone willing to try to Klonapin on him, but because of my alcohol abuse in the past, no one would prescribe it to me. That is until I found a dr that saved my life. Good luck and God bless. Prayers and hugs. Tell your son he's not alone. My episodes also started in my early 20's, so I had been suffering for a very, very long time before i was able to truly find help. Now I am able to live a wonderfully fulfilling life.

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to jcoe2004

I am also on a benzo as i found i have needed it greatly for my symptoms. Im scared to take alot but have been everyday for the past week as it has helped greatly. Im also on zoloft 50mg but it doesnt seem to be working yet so im worried its giving me bad side affects? Any advice on the zoloft? Ive had really bad GI issues increased as well.

jcoe2004 profile image
jcoe2004 in reply to Mike7777

I am not sure about the GI thing, but the Zoloft dose you are on is low. It caps out at 200 mg. I am on a benzo three times a day. Enough of a dose that it would tranquilize a baby elephant, but they made this type of medication for certain people. I am one of them, and it sounds like you are too. Just do your best not to abuse it. They will take it away. Talk to your doc and ask them to put you on a schedule for it, say 1 mg three times a day, or 1/2 a mg three times a day. That way you are being proactive and saying I really think this will help, etc.

Mike7777 profile image
Mike7777 in reply to jcoe2004

Ok. I am on .25mg-1mg of ativan. I definitely dont abuse anything i actually need it! The lightheadedness and fainting feeling has been awful. I see my doc tomorow and will tell him thats the only thing that has kept me sane really. Even then i still dont feel normal i just feel more calm minded and not panicky. Is ativan more addictive than klonopin?

chazan profile image
chazan in reply to jcoe2004

So thankful you shared your personal story in such detail... It gives us hope to hear your success story

jcoe2004 profile image
jcoe2004 in reply to chazan

You're welcome. Actually, Ativan is not more addictive than Klonapin, but Klonapin is a longer lasting benzo. I would tell the doc that you want to be on a schedule of 1/2 mg of Klonapin 3x per day. Tell him/her that you are having lapses in time where you don't feel well, and you really think that would help, and that you want your dose of Zoloft upped to 100 mg. They cannot up it fast, it has to be at a slower pace. I hope it all works out, and no, you are not alone. Not at all. God bless, and keep me posted!

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