Now my palpitations are coming when I breathe in and out or sneeze. This has never happened before. Of course I'm at the ER AGAIN scared silly. It never ends...
Here-we-go-again: Now my palpitations... - Anxiety and Depre...

I'm sorry you're in the ER again. I hope you get some answers.
Good Luck and let us know when you are back home. xx
I'm waiting to be discharged now. The Dr said everything was good. I had the complete workup again. Bloodwork, EKG, chest xray and all. He adviced me to keep taking my beta blockers and follow up with my cardiologist. Thank you for your response and concern. Blessings.
Do not waste a moment feeling guilty for going to the ER. I’ve been many times and when I absolutely must have a medical answer, that’s the end of it. I’ve learned the science behind it, by the way. In heavy anxiety, the amygdala (the fear center) becomes predominant and your frontal cortex (where rational thought happens) is eclipsed. This is a survival mechanism, but where anxiety issues are concerned, it’s why we sometimes can’t do anything but seek assistance.
You hit it, Jay. Our fear center is hit first and it takes a bit for our control center to get the signal to respond with logic. This is because when we need to get on the move (fight/flight...our instinct for survival), we need the brain chemicals running quickly. When the logic comes in to analyze the situation, we are able to calm down. Basically, an anxious or panic trigger bypasses the logic (prefrontal cortex) and heads straight to the amygdala which spits out all the nasty stuff. Once the prefrontal comes to "adult" the brain, everything gets better and stress hormones are better regulated.
Hi! So I get something similar and I notice it only happens if I am behind on sleep. Our situations may be different but wanted to share that Incase it helps. Hope you start to feel better soon!

Thank you. I need to pay more attention to see if there is a link.
I have palpitations all the time. I have anxiety and arrhythmia. My heart skip beats and race. They say it's anxiety
It's really scary. I know all about the ER. I would go all the time thinking something is wrong. They would do all kinds of test and say it's anxiety.