Some things in life we can't change I just was being honest about False hope.
It is what it is: Some things in life... - Anxiety and Depre...
It is what it is

But there are things we can change. One is our attitude and perception of things. Try saying the serenity prayer.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
It helps me. We are strong and can change alot of our circumstances in life. I agree some things we can't control but if you do what we can to be the best you can be, you have done your job.

Sometimes your best isn't good enough then I have three kids who depend on me so I can't just do things in a way as if it was just me.
I understand. We live with my husband's mom now and have been for two years. It's not good enough but I can still work hard, support her and be the best mom I can be. I will get this straightened out but I will not let it kill me, who I am and how I take care of her. I make the best of it.
I'm sorry you are hurting. I'm not trying to minimize it. You are stronger than you think.

Kids look at parents to fix everything and to be strong etc. When u got to explain to some kids that u aren't well they get mad or just don't care. I'm just on my own that's why I want to get well cause I know I'll end up homeless or dead soon
Can you get some help if it is financial from government entities or medical from community programs?

I have medical insurance I just don't want to rely or live on psyc meds. I have worked but my anxiety so bad and working stressful jobs agitated me more. A lot of things make me panic etc noise, health, long hours traveling etc I'm just all messed up
I can relate. I was on meds for seven years but finally got off. They made no difference at all. If you can get a job you like maybe you won't be so anxious.
Melhall is right, about change. Frankly, everything can be changed, the change just isn't always in your control. That's where my anxiety kicks in. I'm not a religious person by any means but I do have a copy of the Serenity Prayer pinned to my board on my closet door. If I'm stressed while getting dressed for the day or changing at the end of the day I can see it. I focus on "...accept things I cannot change...change the things I can."
I'm not going to lie and say I pray because i Don't. I don't feel like it helps me I guess my faith is gone I've been suffering and stressing a long time now. Life just so trying I can't deal with all the turmoil my kids need me at 100% not 40 and I feel God knows that but yet and still I'm a mess
Agreed. I've become an Agnostic because I've always felt there was no Godly reason for me to be attacked by a wild dog and go through rabies shots at 12 years old, sexually assaulted in high school, have a dysfunctional family, dad who is an alcoholic, years of unsuccessful infertility treatments and a 30 year marriage end in a divorce. So I get your feelings 110%
However, I have found a way through almost because of that Serenity Prayer. I learned it in AA with my dad 40 years ago but never put it to use until last year. I make 5 minutes to journal my feelings/day now when I'm in a bad place. I got the right meds for my anxiety to lower enough to deal with the depression. You CAN change what you need to with a little help.
My mental state been off your childhood or genetics could play a part in that. I think for me it was my childhood then the name calling and the way some ppl judge me plus assaults that really messed me up mentally now my healrh. So I get U totally