Has anyone tried CBD for there anxiety and depression? I did a year and a half of trial and error with medicine and had very negative side effects, I also don't smoke marijuana(It is legal where I'm located). My counselor said it was up to me if I'd like to try it but I'd like to get people's experience with it
CBD: Has anyone tried CBD for there... - Anxiety and Depre...

I frequent a coffee shop that adds cbd to their drinks and it has helped me. After one of my episodes I went there the next day and had a drink with some and it helped calm me down.
Did you have any drowsiness after? That's one thing I keep reading is that it makes them tired, I'd like to find something I could take in the morning
i don’t think the dose in my drink is strong enough for that. i go in and have a drink around 3 and another at 7 and it helps me unwind without me being sleepy. i go home around 9 and am able to stay up until at least midnight. the cbd being mixed with caffeine must be helpful to counteract sleepiness
Hi Khleesi,
I have been using CBD oil for about a year, on and off. I find it works quite well for me to calm minor anxiety. I use an organic product, in either coconut or hemp oil as the carrier. There is no high associated with CBD, so do not be concerned about that. I guess the most important thing is to get it from a trusted source.
For me CBD is not a cure and doesn’t help with major anxiety, but does help with that edgy feeling that sits in my gut and makes me shaky. It Hal’s me get out the door when I’m off kilter but mainly okay.
I hope this info helps.
I have been vaping CBD “juice” or vape oil for about 3 weeks and I have to say it is really helpful in managing my anxiety. The vaping, using a vape pen is much more effective then an edible or pill. It has to go through the stomach. When you vape it (I do not inhale it), it gets right to the bloodstream through saliva glands, mouth and I suppose the lungs. Faster results for sure. I just feel calmer and more able to cope.