"rock bottom became the solid foundation in which I rebuilt my life"——-Many of us have been there, and some of us are still there, but if I can manage to build a home and a new life that will withstand the winds, you also can do it. Determination will only go so far without faith, because the foundation of your life is only as strong as your faith. When the winds come, and believe me they will come, I will no longer be the one standing among the debris of my destroyed home in desperation and in need of rescue. My foundation will keep my home intact and I will be the one with open doors to those in need of refuge. So if you dwell in the bedrock of the decline from your sins, there's no better place to begin construction. My experience has been almost entirely unbearable, but I've squired a wisdom that alot of elderly men die wishing they have. Rock bottom isn't as bad as everyone perceives it to be. It's truly an opportunity most will never have. There's nothing to tear down. It's raw dirt and everything that goes up is brand new. So take advantage of it.
Rock Bottom - My 34 yr old god-son wr... - Anxiety and Depre...
Rock Bottom - My 34 yr old god-son wrote the below-he’s been out of jail for 11 months SOBER-no drug- im so proud. He should be a writer

Hey, C3. Glad to hear you're making progress. I too hit rock bottom and have been rebuilding my new life in the happy, fertile soil of love- both God's & Sue's love. My lady has a strong faith that has helped to restore my faith too. We both wish you continued love, success and happiness....
Wow!!!! That was amazing!!! I felt a sense of positivity come over me. Please pass on my Thankyou to your godson, his writing has given me a real lift . Seriously! I'm going to read it again 😘
You should feel very proud!! And he should be a writer 😁
He has found some important insight to continue with life. It is awesome that he shares it with you. I hope that he also realizes that every part of the house will require constant maintenance. The foundation is the most important part of a building, but a house can rot from the top down or any place in between.
I send my best wishes to your Godson, he can use that bottom to take him anywhere. I too have been to the bottom and I saw very few that used it so well.
Thanks for sharing.
That was so lovely and meaningful. I shall certainly reread this again, it gives us all hope for the future. I look forward to hearing more of your God sons wise words and please congratulate him on the way he has turned his life around. You have every right to feel proud of him.
Thanks to all of you I will relay each and everyone of these comments to my Godchild...good night my friends love and hug’s