It will pass eventually. : ... - Anxiety and Depre...
It will pass eventually.

Thank you hope,🖖🙂🌷you hit the nail on the head enjoy your day
That’s okay! X hope you have a wonderful day too mate. Anything nice planned?

I’m just grateful to get control of my breathing back today 👍had a few bad days,I’m going to get some fresh air soon and watch a comedy film later maybe will Ferrell or something got to maintain a sense of humour it’s important I think ,hope you have a peaceful day and do something nice for yourself 😊🌤
Oh dear.. was it because of anxiety or your lungs?
I’m struggling with respiratory this winter dodging all the germs and illness!
Hope you enjoyed that movie . 😊 🍿 🎥

My lungs ,I get left side pleurisy all the time and sometimes it’s debilitating but not too bad today your post cheered me up your always very thoughtful my lung buddy stay warm and dry 🌷
Hi Hope...thank you for this post, we all need a reminder once in awhile. I hope you're in a happy place. Dump trucks of love, peace, light, joy & hugs just for you!
Yes we do you’re right x sometimes when we’re buried deep in all the feelings it seems like there’s no way out x There always is though x
Hi hope, thanks for making me remember this lol. Have a great day
That’s okay I’m so glad it helped x
And we always get through. We are some determined, tough people!
Absolutely 💪
good one Hope..... good advice to everyone....thanks kiddo
Stay strong 💪 xx
Mornin' Hope. Yes, this stuff alwsys does pass. But, quiet often it's with the help of our friends. No surprise that several of my best friends responded here. Love you all. There is strength in numbers which is what makes this site so good for all concerned. Keep up the good work, my friend!
Yes and also we have to stay strong ourselves too. We can’t always rely on others as this can sometimes be a let down too and make it all worse .
This site is amazing for support x

I agree about the staying strong ourselves but, I always reach out to my friends when I'm feeiling bad. That includes you my super strong friend!
((((((((Hope)))))))) I was just on the verge of tears of sadness and frustration and I saw this post and well at least now I’m breathing deeply I’m all anxious about guests coming over... I’m feeling unwell so it’s really hard to be around people. But I’ll get through it like always. I think the hardest part is trying to be real and myself when anxiety is trying to drag me down and have me being antisocial.
💕 is there any way you could cancel it? If not like you said breathe through it and keep it short