I always want to try these supplements but I do serious research first. It got 4.2 out of 5 stars on most sites. There’s no complaints on the Better Business Bureau site. I read over 100 reviews and most have said it relieved anxiety and stress pretty quickly. Amazon has it for $17 and you can also get it on the actual site for the same price. I’m sharing because I don’t know if I should try it. I was also wondering about your feedback. I’m on anxiety medication but I still get anxiety. Thoughts anyone?
Vigorous You Anxiety Supplement: Does... - Anxiety and Depre...
Vigorous You Anxiety Supplement: Does anyone have feedback?

MariaLove, just be careful about mixing a prescription with an over the counter supplement. Safety is our number one concern. xx
went to the site...and I personally have heard of all the benefits from all the ingredients for years....so I say go for it....
L-Theanine is found in black and green tea as well as boletes and of course it's thousands of years of good stuff said about the benefits of green and black tea,
the Niacin is B3 and part of the B-complex which is really good for calming,
5-HTP helps control appetite, insomnia, mood and fibromyalgia and
B Vitamins of course work to help you with mood control.... so I say it's a big thumbs up worth a try sista!
Yeah? 😃 ok girl I’m going to try it! You’re the best ❤️
yeah....it's all good stuff.... no voodoo... all proven track record ingredients....I think I may have mentioned a child therapist I was friends with years ago who was way ahead of her time....she always prescribed her patients to start a B-Complex and multi-mineral supplement regiment along with therapy to help balance out the kids body chemistry a bit.
I definitely read the ingredients. I’m so glad you know about them because I wasn’t sure. Thanks again!
right on sista..... anything that helps level out our emotional roller coaster ride with this rotten disease is a blessing.... I just know with this stuff you have to take it religiously and it takes a couple of weeks to build up in the system to start showing any results.... I'm looking forward to hearing how it works out for you.....
It’s refreshing to see everyone talking about the nutrition we need to help with anxiety/depression. I agree with it all because my nutritionist has me on a lot of these. Fauxasrtist, you are so right about L-theanine. There is more in green tea than black tea. And all the other supplements you talked about. Although I have to sayvthat some Of my friends don’t understand because they aren’t educated in an alternative way to treat these things. They were actually telling me I was being stubborn in not taking medication. Even though I was having bad reaction to a particular med. I’m thankful we can be free to discuss nutrition and how it will help us
It’s probably not safe to mix with anxiety meds. My nutrionist has told me that. Let me know your thoughts. What medication are you taking? How long have you been taking it? Curious since it’s not. helping.
Let me know if anyone uses Vigorous and if it helps.