Hey everyone! Brian here! Just wanted to check in and see how everyone's doing tonight. Had a bit of a sinus headache today, which made lying down for my radiation treatment today a little more difficult than normal. Having a deviated septum and sleep apnea can be a real pain sometimes. Usually, when I get a sinus headache, I can feel a tendril of pain running down the side of my nose (usually on the side that the headache is on. I usually never get a sinus headache across my whole head, but usually over one of my eyes.) I also become very sensitive to sounds, even very soft sounds. When I lay down, I can literally feel the pressure building up in my sinus cavity until the pain becomes unbearable and I have to sit up. If I have a really bad sinus headache, I also become very light sensitive as well. Fortunately, it wasn't a really bad one today, but it did make laying down difficult. I also tend to get very irritable when I have any kind of headache. I have a moderate pain tolerance level over most of my body, but for some reason when I have a headache, my pain tolerance is very low. But I did manage to get through today's treatment, so that's 5 down, 20 to go! YAY! lol This is gonna be a recurring theme for the rest of this month, past the Labor Day holiday (for those of us that live in the USA) and well into the middle of September. If I had started treatment when I was supposed to (August 2), today would have been treatment #9. See what happens when your schedule is thrown off by a week? lol I oughta sue! lol
To those out there who are having depression/anxiety problems tonight, just remember - it will get better! Sometimes, it's darkest before the dawn. Now is the time to fight a little extra harder and hang in there! Believe me, the fight is definitely worth it!
I want to give a special HOWDY DOODY! to all those who comment on my posts and provide the much needed moral support (You all know who you are! ). It's another reminder that we're never truly alone in this life. Just by saying hi to someone, you've made that person's day a little brighter. So take a bow!
Let that spark of positivity resonate within you and serve as your beacon when times are rough.
Now, which 007 movie should I watch next? Hmmm, that is a toughie lol
Wishing you all good health and happiness,