I feel mentally drained, i stayed quiet in therapy cause even talking was too exhausting, i can barely stay awake im sleepy all the time now. im not even sure what's going on inside my head. I just really don't want to talk. Have any of you ever felt like that? Like you're not sure how you're feeling?
Been silent in therapy : I feel... - Anxiety and Depre...
Been silent in therapy
I usually get quiet when I feel like I have spoken too much and I know it is causing me a problem so I get quiet. Now I just pray and ask the Lord God for forgiveness. I usually still need to be quiet for a while but the unsettled feeling goes away after I give it to God. I hope this helps.
Thanks hun 💜
That is what happens to me. Each person is different. I am keeping us all in prayer.
Yes I have. My brain shuts down and there is nothing to say or do. That usually means I have pushed myself too much or I was triggered and I am dissociating. Are you on any new medications? Were there any triggers?
It definitely feels like dissociation, i feel disconnected and im eerily quiet
Depends how much you are paying?????!!! I'm paying £95 which is around $130 US dollars an hour or should i say "therapeutic hour", which is 50 minutes, so I do feel i want to talk as much as possible in the therapy.
I know some people do pay a lot and still say silent. It's just for me it is a whole lot of money and I feel I have to try and express what it is i'm feeling. If you are so drowsy then maybe the meds are too strong for you to engage with the therapy. Maybe have a think about this as you could save yourself some money. I am not being facetious. It's just it's a very expensive business and people can't read minds so i always think it's best to talk. What do you think?
PS I have really no idea what i'm feeling inside sometimes as it's all such a mess and at such an extreme. I am even questioning the whole idea of "therapy" really whilst being so bad. I'm in a bad way. Hope you don't feel as bad as I do. Gemmalouise
Im not the one who pay for the sessions but it's definitely more expensive since its not office sessions he come to my house, now we're moving out of my safe place and each sessions take place farther away from my house each time. I use tobe silent and cry a lot at first cause my head use to be so chaotic it was impossible to talk but he helped me out of that.
Yes I have felt this way. Not every session needs to be filled with constant chatter. I look at this way, you know when your really tired, but you get up and walk or exercise anyway, those are the times you get your best results. It’s the same way with therapy, when your mind is slow/tired you may have a different insight.
Yes i was glad he didn't push me, he still asked me to email him a page even a few words on how im feeling and what was going on up there in my brain
Your mind & body probably needs a little time out to process everything. You have been making huge steps... it's natural for everything to want & catch it's breathe. A little quite time is okay, just as long as you are being honest with your feelings. If you feel okay, I would feel okay... have a little you time. 💖🌻
Mom said the same thing Mel she think i have been pushing myself a little too hard. Hopefully i will open my lips and actually talk soon

Just remember to be honest & check in with yourself, even when everything is good. Don't be afraid to take it easy... want the best for you.😄🌻
Yes. I have.
When I’m overwhelmed and there’s no way someone will understand, or so I think. I just keep to myself and work on one thing at a time.. :). 🌼
I know exactly what you mean. I have this habit of shutting down from people when i feel overwhelmed
Hi Danielle sorry to see your having such problems the chronic lack of sleep will defenately affect you! Some people find they can get away with a couple of hours but your better off with at least 7/8 hours sleep! Have you seen your doctor about this a lot of people just get given a short course of sleep medication! I hope what ever you do things work out for you! David 😎
Hurry up and get better love, it's summer break im ready to come spend a few days with you 🤓
I'll be waiting girly and i saw your post a whole month without cutting im proud of you
Think to yourself what would Ricky Bobby do in this situation? Just kidding, but seriously. You need time to recharge the batteries. You been doing so much. Hang in there. Remember you drive with your heart not your eyes lol.
😂😂😂😂 haha where are the funny videos i love when you comment with the videos
You have been doing really well and have changed a lot in your life lately. Your mind needs time to process and get used to all the change. You have pushed your comfort zone quite a bit with all the changes you have made.
I would suggest that you need time to rest and get used to what your new normal is.
Please don't be too hard on yourself by why you are feeling like this. Just remind yourself that it is okay to feel out of sorts because you have made so many changes and your mind needs to get used to the new more confident you.
So what did I do when I felt like this. Well after I did all the worrying about what was wrong and panicking about whether I was going backwards again. (The mind is great at the doom and gloom at times, well mine is anyway). I reminded myself it was okay to feel out of sorts and tired while my mind and body adjusted to the "new" me.
I did more work on listing the things that I could now do, listing how much more confident I was feeling and I reminded myself that I just needed to focus on the new routine that I had for a bit before I made anymore changes.
The journey you are on will have ups and downs, this is a little bit of a down, but it will get better and go up again.
I am sure that if you took a look at how you were a year ago, even a month ago that you'd certainly find that even with you feeling down at the moment are in a much better place today.
Take it easy and keep reminding yourself that you are doing great.
Take care and I hope you get through this low point soon. XX