Hello everyone. I’ve never joined an online support group before so if you have any tips on how this works, feel free to share. I suffer anxiety/depression on a daily basis even while taking medication. I’m not sure which is worst, the anxiety, or the depression. Both seem crippling. My hope is to gain insight on others to help me realize I’m not alone. So..here goes
Newbie to the Online Forum: Hello... - Anxiety and Depre...
Newbie to the Online Forum
Hi Rmlj, I'm glad you found this site, lots of people here have experience of coping and living with anxiety and depression. It never fails to touch me how amazing people are especially when they have gone through so much and I'm sure you are the same. Life can be tougher for someone with our difficulty so big pat on the back for being here, sharing and surviving xx
I’m doing the best I can. Due to my anxiety, going to an actual support group isn’t all that logical right now, and this was the first site I stumbled upon

Hope you find some friends and some useful advice. There is a "search" facility which can show up a lot of older posts which may give you information over anything you are particularly concerned about. You will find people on here are caring and supportive so I think you have done the right thing in coming on here. x

Your post I'm reading was from 6 months ago. I'm a "newbie". Just got on yesterday at the recommendation of my therapist. Has this site been of help?
Welcome to our support group. Hope you find some comfort knowing you're not alone. And maybe some info and coping skills
Thank you all for all being so welcoming
Hi Rmjk: I too am new to a on-line support group. I have been on Paxil since @1985. for depression & anxiety. I’ve managed to have a blessed life but with ups/down. I was diagnosed w/GAD. I am a worrier. I can be ok then I have a night where I can’t fall asleep and then the anxiety/insomnia returns. I recently saw my dtr and I have Ativan as needed. It helps knowing it’s in the medicine cabinet, but I also know that it’s a addictive medication. I reached out to a therapist a week ago who specializes in depression/anxiety/insomnia. She uses the EMDR & Flash method. I’m hoping this along with meds I can figure out why this is such a problem for me.!my doctor recently ordered Buspar at 5mg to try, but I will wait to see if the therapy helps me. Labbie
In the past i suffered with anxiety, depression, insomnia, severe stress.
I've never taken medication as I believe it's not really the answer. I know some people may benefit, but why are there so many people suffering with mental health issues, medication being prescribed increasingly and there are over 400 types of therapy?
It's because they are all 'outside in ' ways to try to solve the problems which are self created from the 'inside out '
In some ways I can definitely understand what you are saying. I also believe a combo of medication and therapy is most successful. Some people only need meds/therapy for a short period of time and some people suffer long term. However, some things are a chemical imbalance in the brain. Although I’ve searched for alternative methods some things such as ADHD that I do believe may need to be managed by medication. Everyone has their own ways about going about it. Plus you can’t solely rely on meds to fix you. There’s also lifestyle changes/behaviors that need to be modified as well. That’s where I’m at in my process.

Exactly. 'Some' people.
However, these people can also return to the same behaviours if a traumatic experience happens again unless you understand the nature of thought which can build and strengthen your resilience so that whatever may happen, you can still enjoy the 'present moment '
We are all born with innate mental health and wellbeing, however, through life experience and events and what we are taught by others can hide the beauty inside all of us
Hi Rmkj: Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I too wish I didn’t have to use medicines. But back when I was in my 30’s is when things fell apart for me. I’m 66 years old, a wonderful supportive husband and have been married 45 years. We have 2 beautiful daughters, a sob-in-law we adore and 4 beautiful grandchildren. Why did this happen to me? And why have I had to struggle for so long?
Have you found that meds helped once you finally got diagnosed?
You are definitely not alone. I've suffered with anxiety/depression since I was a kid. I'll be 40 soon. I was just diagnosed with ADHD at 38. Still trying to figure it out. Think I have a learning disorder too. I ask myself too-Is the depression worse or the anxiety? Idk. This is an everyday struggle for me as well. The older I get, the worse it gets. I tried meds awhile back but it did nothing. I'm going to give it a try again. I feel like I'm in a vicious cycle all the time. I'm sorry I have no advice. But I really relate to what your saying.
Don’t give up on the meds. Yes, sometimes people have to be guinea pigs to find the right meds that work for them. A lot of people give up the first round because it didn’t work. My advice to you is know that your brain and body chemistry is different and some things that most commonly work for others may not work for you. For example, I can’t take SNRI antidepressants. They don’t work. They have to be SSRIs which are the most popular ones you typically hear about (Lexapro, Zoloft, Prozac, etc) It can be frustrating and you will feel like nothing is going to work but remember sometimes the dosage just needs to be increased or the med needs to be changed. And know that some meds that once worked great will sometimes stop, because again your body chemistry changes. Both scenarios have happened to me. Stay encouraged and don’t give up. When you find what works best for you, you will realize it was worth it.

Yes, I agree & thank you 😊
Hi! Welcome!
There's a secret, when you don't give up on meds it will be hard for your recovery, I don't say that it is not necessary (I mean I take meds) but if you want to recover fast, you need to exercise, eat healthy (apple, banana), drink lots of water, relax, go to nature, get close to someone you love.
But you also have to have the energy to do those things, or being able to do those things without having a panic attack, or like me having ADHD is a different animal. Other lifestyle changes are necessary but some people are so low they kinda need a boost to get to that point. Some people live in cities where going out to nature is hard to find and not everyone has someone close that they love. It’s a different scenario for everyone so it’s not one size fits all. I think whatever approach a person takes under the direction of a medical professional, along with some of their own research, and outside support (if they have it) is the best approach. It’s not a black and white situation unfortunately
Hello and welcome.
I personally have learnt a lot from online forums, such as this 😊
You will soon feel like you have been here forever.
I’m glad you found us.
Best wishes 🌺🌼🌺🌼
Hey 👋🏽 Welcome to the group!!! You’ll find a lot of caring , helpful and wise people on here to lend an ear whenever you want to share your thoughts or feelings or even a really good rant! X