I’ve noticed during this period of anxiety I’ve had on and off vision problems. However, I’ve been noticing my vision has been blurred and cloudy almost for the past few weeks. I would re adjust my eyes and all would be well. Has a bad episode yesterday and woke up with extremely blurred vision. No matter how much I try to re adjust my eyes it stays blurry. Can’t even see text on laptop or phone clearly which is odd being I’ve been told I have 20/20. Also, looking at people is blurry. Wondering if this is a common symptom? I’m starting to work myself up that I’m going blind and worst case scenarios are running through my head. Trying to not have a panic attack today.
Blurred vision: I’ve noticed during... - Anxiety and Depre...
Blurred vision

Yes I suffer with anxiety and I get blurred vision a lot,
I do go for regular eye tests , as it’s reassuring.It’s worth having one
All good wishes

Thanks! Do you experience the blurred vision for hours at a time? Or just for a short period of time? It’s been blurry since about 3 hours now 😕
It can last , I get it in the mornings a lot and late evenings...
It’s worth getting it checked out to save you worrying ..but I get it quite a lot
🌺🌼 xx
Hi yes I’ve had it loads too, I’ve had it for long periods of time but always when my anxiety is at its worst. I’ve had eyes checked by two different optitions and eyes are healthy. Except it as a weird anxiety symptom it will soon pass. X
I get like that too. I've had my eyes checked and they are good well not 20/20, I wear glasses. My doctor told me it's common for blurry vision with anxiety. It scares me bad at times especially when I'm driving. I just try and stay calm.
I try so hard but I’m at the point where I can’t control my fear. Talking myself out of it is nearly impossible and I’m on high alert feeling awful. I get this awful sour? Feeling when I breath in my throat, feel I have to vomit or I can’t breath. I’m just so over this. I don’t understand why my brain will not listen and why I always think something bad is going to happen to me physically.
I'm the same way. We just have to learn to control it. Easier said than done I know. But you will get thru it. We have goid days and bad days. I sometimes go a whole week with feeling so good then bamm it hits me like a ton of bricks. It does get easier. We just have to keep telling ourselves we are healthy and that it's our mind playing tricks on us. You got this.