I have been diagnosed with dysthymia- I’m just here because i wanted to feel like I’m not alone. I feel like I’ve had depression for a long time now and it feels like I’ll never get better to be honest.
Dysthymia / Major Depressive Disorder - Anxiety and Depre...
Dysthymia / Major Depressive Disorder

I have had dysthimia also.
I have dysthimia. It's like an old "friend" who is always there to remind you.
That was my original diagnosis 20 years ago. I have now been diagnosed with major depression recurrent. Depression can get better if you seek help and follow the doctor's orders. For me that meant being on medication all of the time and many years of therapy. Now that you have a diagnosis, your support team knows better how to help you. It sounds like you are on track to a healthier you.
Over time, I have learned to recognize red flags and ask for help. When I am in a depressive episode, it does sometimes feel like it will never end. Thankfully, those are occurring less and less frequently.
I hope you start to feeling better soon!
Thank-you @rollercoasterride. I feel like this will never go away because I have been suffering since I was 15/16 and I am now 28. I have had about 3 + major depressive episodes and I feel like I have relapsed. I don't know what to do to get back on track.. I've been trying diligently to meditate/ do pranayama/ trying to stay focused on work but its been the whole month of January and I feel my whole life where I haven't been okay. Just sort of surviving and this thought really depresses me because I don't think this will ever go away. What's the point of living if you can't even muster a moment of happiness? I feel like I am doomed for the rest of my life. I know other's have gotten better but I don't feel like I will!
Oh Ames09 I am so sorry you are going through a depressive episode. They can be awful and seem like they will never end. I hope you have a good support system in place. When I go through one, I see my psychiatrist and therapist more often. Are you doing cardio exercise? It can help you to feel better. I know it can be hard to motivate to exercise, but I feel better afterwards. I learned recently to tell a few safe people what I am going through so they will understand what I am going through. I was even able to ask one friend for help that would make me feel better. For me, that was having her text me daily to check on me. Telling people what is going on and asking for help isn't easy at first but it was so helpful. I also have a local support group in which I participate. Daily we text each other 3 victories or things we accomplished that day and 3 things we are grateful for. It helps us to focus on something positive.
A website called meetup.
I feel like everyone is in a better place than me. Through all my Intensive out patient programs i have never met anyone that was as depressed as me. I am a walking zombie @rollercoasterride
I doubt anything will help because my thought patterns are so negative
I feel like dysthymia is just a name - my past has been full of sorrow. I was always alone sitting in gym class at school. Sitting out feeling sad feeling like an outcast. I’m not sure what triggered all of this as no one is when it comes to depression but now that’s it’s years past those days you would think i would be better but I’m not. I keep having episodes and they are horrifyingly bad. I can’t even describe to you how bad I feel as if I am a zombie. I know i have to change my thought patterns and my life. I want to be in a healthy relationship one day and maybe be able to connect with other people or the so called friends i do have in my life.
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