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New and many issues but OCD with wet hair on body is really bothering me and can't find others who experience this

17 Replies

Hi to all,

I am new here and what brought me is my issue with awful feelings when showering and feeling a wet hair on my skin. It can be while I'm showering or when drying off. I've told myself at times to try and let it go but it makes me sick to my stomach. I don't like a hair on my floor or counter so it isn't necessarily wet only. But I find it taking me forever to get a shower taken because I have to be sure every hair is gone. Aside from this I have had chronic major depression and generalized anxiety disorder since a young child. But for now I'm really trying to find someone who has this hair issue because so far I've not found anyone..

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17 Replies
lil-rose profile image

I'm sorry you are experiencing this, I hope you will find someone who has experienced this. I have a lot of triggers around showering, it's very frustrating, difficult and at times embarrassing.

Downandout123 profile image
Downandout123 in reply to lil-rose

What if when you wash your hair, you lean over face toward the shower head and let your hair hang down not touching your body. Wash it and rinse it like that. If you put conditioner on for a few minutes, put all your hair up in a big clip on top of your head. Rinse the same way. Get out,, immediately wrap it in a towel. Put on a robe or something with a high collar for when you brush your hair out so it doesn't touch your neck. Have you tried this?

in reply to Downandout123

Thank you for your suggestions. It means alot to me. Unfortunately, it's not the head of hair on my body but rather a stray hair that's stuck to my body, like between my toes... oh ick!! When I dry off and find a wet hair, I will go through a ritual to remove it. Needless to say, showers take me a good hour. My hair falls out real bad and even when I take the shower head and spray my body down, I still have stray hairs. Oh geesh!! What a weird issue.. Thanks again.. you're so sweet

LJHope profile image

Hello, I have the wet hair issue. I didn't always have it while showering, usually just every other way but recently my panic attacks and OCD have gotten worse and during a shower a hair got on my foot and I just about completely lost it. Now I do what downandout was suggesting. I wrap my hair in a bag or hair towel when I shower then after my shower I wear tight fitting purple gloves and I flip my head over in the tub and wash it that way. The gloves help prevent me from seeing the hair in my fingers. I don't know why this started but that's what I have found that helps me.

Good luck, I know it's not easy and it doesn't make sense to anyone else so when I told people I would get the old 'get over it'speech. I wish it were that easy.


in reply to LJHope

I'm sorry you are going through this too. I also didn't always have this. It began about 10 years ago. So unusual and I don't know what to even name it. Hair fear? or texture??? I'm glad "downandout" was able to help you. I do wrap my head in a towel after washing it and finish my shower. It's the combing it out and getting hair on my body or the floor. The foot is a awful place for me to find and feel a hair. I wonder what it is from... I wish you peaceful showers from here on out. And thanks for replying to me..

LJHope profile image
LJHope in reply to

Omg...yes..wet hair on the foot or toes will send me into a freaked out panic in a minute. I don't mind dry hair...I can run my fingers through my dry hair but wet...omg...I don't even know what it is. I've never liked it but it's gotten way worse lately. I brush brush brush it before my shower while it's dry. I have to lean over the trash can and pull out the hair from my brush each stroke. I do freak out if a hair is still in the brush when I go to do the next stroke. When this happens...looking at me you would think I just walked through an enourmous spider web... Funny to imagine it as I'm sitting here. But after I wash my hair, I can't brush it out...I just throw it up in a messy bun and let it stay that way until I brush it out before my next shower.

Sometimes I miss having my hair down, all wavy and always smells like Pantene. I used to make people smell my hair all the time...ha ha and no one ever would imagine what I'm going through. In fact I never thought anyone ever could. As much as I hate that you are dealing with it, it's sort of comforting to know someone can understand me...not that we understand why it's happening...but at least we can understand each other.


You are welcomed to email me anytime. I don't sleep but a few minutes here or there..usually up for a few days at a time. Stupid anxiety.

I check it more often.

in reply to LJHope

I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back with you. I've been more depressed and anxious lately. I have to tell you that it is nice to meet someone who can understand this as I know of no one else. HaHa..I do the same thing before my shower, I comb the he-- out of my hair so less ends up on my body. I take the shower wand after showering and rinse my body off like a mad woman.LOL. If I comb or brush my hair, I, like you, can't stand that hair in my brush. After I'm done, I pick up any hairs on the floor. and the sink, my shirt and everywhere! I wonder why touching our dry hair doesn't bother us but stray hairs on our brush does? Mostly wet ones.. I might try that bun idea. Mine might be too short but I'll try. I'm going to email you one of these days. So many things bothering me and some kinda crazy private issues about showering. Send me a message too.

Sdevans profile image
Sdevans in reply to

I’m 20 and I’ve been trying to find a “cure” for this issue for so long and haven’t found anyone who can relate! Only people who don’t like wet hair on their back but for me when my hair falls on my body I get an uncontrollable itching sensation wherever the hair is (curly hair). I now wear my hair in box braids so I don’t really have to wash my hair so often and if I do no stray hairs fall out. Every time I take a shower I try to breathe and tell myself to ignore the hair falling and it won’t itch but I don’t even have to see the hair to feel the sensation. This has been happening for about 3 years, I notice stepping on to my bathroom floor also gives me an extreme feeling of anxiety. When I remove my braids I must brush my hair and that results in panic attacks! I’ve been so confused over the years as I’ve never noticed an uncomfortability in the shower and it’s turned into something that makes me cry in the shower. Wondering if you all have figured out any things that have helped you ❤️ I also notice it’s way easier to take a shower in a hotel shower or sparkling clean shower but washing my hair has the same effect. I also have tried brushing it upside down which helps but is still very anxiety filled as the brush fills with hair and I have to remove it with my hair covering my face. It’s a lot! Really open to any suggestions or website suggestions💜

alu7706 profile image

omg me to i literally can not have hair anywhere i use gloves when doing my hair or childrens hair i cant stand to have hair on brushes and i wash my hair with head flipped over wrap it in a towel and then shower.

supremexox profile image

I also have this issue... started about 2-3 years ago and I haven’t found anyone else with this problem until now! I have a dog and she sheds so much, I try to vacuum daily, but it never gets every strand of hair. I wear flip flops every time I get out the shower and will put socks on immediately after

RestingSithFace profile image
RestingSithFace in reply to supremexox

This is my exact issue. I want to shower today, but there's a clump of cat hair by the rug and I just can't do it. Its been driving me nuts, it's so hard to ignore. So glad it's not just me!

TheCoolMom profile image

Hi I noticed this post was a while ago…. However, I totally agree with everything said here. I came on the web looking for answers because it has seriously affected my life. I have full and curly hair and I hate hate hate hate the feeling of wet hair. I often avoid washing my hair because I do not like the feeling of the hair between my fingers. It literally creeps me out. I’ve always wore my hair in a bun for as long as I could remember. I just hate the feeling especially putting products like gel thru the hair. It gives me the heebeegeebee’s.

Thefirewithin profile image

I actually do the same thing it drives me bananas and puts me in a crazy shock so I avoid showers, get on my kid about hair anywhere In the house and my hygiene fails drastically I understand

Sdevans profile image

I replied to this thread about 4 years ago with the same issue and not sure what was going on or what to do, I was eventually diagnosed with OCD and started taking Lamotrigine for it and it's changed a lot. I still need to ensure my sleeping areas are clean, and I don't love a dirty shower area. But I don't have the same type of panic and anxiety when faced with those things. I also wash my hair, then brush it outside of the shower and put it in an updo style so it's not loose. Hope that may help someone.

Lou3913 profile image


I bave googled this and your comment came up, I also have. Have severe anxioty of the thought of getting in the bath and my wet hair touhing my skin, it makes me feel sick and panicky. Takes ne ages to finally courage to go, I feel so embarressing I am clean i do wash ect its just the thought of the wet hair. I dont know what to do about this any advice would be helpful

Curlyheadmama33 profile image

I’m the same exact way I freaking hate it!! What I do is wash my hair upside down and put it in a bun so it isn’t touching my body and before I get out wrap my hair up in a shirt and than when I go to brush it have a towel wrapped around me I have curly hair so I have to touch it but I freaking hate it !! I hate hair period but when I’m wet it’s a no go I have to be dressed dried off before I can brush it but it still gets on my hands ! Ugh

Zemirah profile image

omg I’m the same way it makes me scared to get in the tub cuz I be looking for the hair

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