Heart palpitations : Does anyone get... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Heart palpitations

Sandia profile image
25 Replies

Does anyone get heart palpitations everyday? I️ would get them off and on but as of recently, I’ve been getting them everyday and it really bothers me. 😩

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Sandia profile image
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25 Replies
Janieliza profile image

Yes I used to. I ended up in a+e because of it. The Dr could hear them also. I had an ECG and 2 blood tests 6 hours apart to rule out any serious problems with my heart(or at least the ones they were concerned about). My ECG was fine...as were the bloods so she explained this can happen for a number of reasons. Lifestyle, write a list of anything that could be doing this...ie sugary drinks, energy drinks, caffeine etc. If it's not the diet then are you anxious about anything?. Once I'd realised what it was....my palpitations began to reduce. I was having them 24 hours a day and every second. I couldn't sleep bcas of it. I would please get checked out and ectopic beats are more common than realised but pls see a professional. They are unnerving. J

Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply to Janieliza

Thx for the info. I️ appreciate it.

Janieliza profile image
Janieliza in reply to Sandia

No problem Sandia. Hope you get it sorted. It's horrendous to cope with.

RiderontheStorm profile image

Get yourself checked for AFib. I had Afib. Left untreated can cause stroke or blod clot that will kill you. Mine was was caused by stress I believe.

Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply to RiderontheStorm

I️be had a couple ekg and nothing was shown. So I’m thinking it’s just related to my anxiety.

Lisakaye64 profile image

I had them every day most of the day for a month. They have lessened now but they were horrible.

Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply to Lisakaye64

I’m guessing that I’m just under a lot of stress right now and I️ guess that is why they are everyday.

Lisakaye64 profile image
Lisakaye64 in reply to Sandia

Stress is what brought mine on. Better safe to have them checked out.

bippy profile image

Hi Sandia & others posting about Palpitatns!

My palpitations started when I was 25 yrs. old after the birth of my first born son. They came out of no where! I was healthy, had lost quite a bit of weight during my pregnancy. I watched what I ate carefully and exercised.

My understanding is some people feel the palpitations and others don't. I am one who feels them!! The first one I felt scared me to death! I went tearing up the stairs to my husband to tell him my heart was stopping. I truly thought I was going to die.

We left for the ER and they gave me a thorough going over. Everything checked out fine. They referred me to a Psychologist the next morning. To make a long story short I was told I have any excess flow of adrenalin into my heart brought on my strees, the fight and flight response when I would have anxiety. Being a new mother kept the adrenalin going and then I started having full blown panic attacks which made the palpitations even worse.

After all kinds of tests including a halter monitor, everything was within the normal range and considered to be a benign condition.

To this day, 30 years later, I still have the irregular heart beat if I am under stress. It seems they come and last quite a while, over a month or two, leave and I never when to expect them again. I am followed by my primary doctor who does Cardiograms if they flair up again. I thin I have concluded that diet also plays a part in their reaccurance. I always felt they were connected somehow with electrolytes so eveytime I get them I drink Gator Aid which helps slightly.

I sympathize with anyone who has palpitations, especially if they are strong and you can feel them. Just make sure you are checked out by a Cardio as things can change I am told. What is a benign condition can turn to one that isn't benign.

Hope this helps a little bit, and good luck!


Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply to bippy

Thank you for sharing. Yes, it does help me to know that others have experienced this as well. I’m under quite a bit of stress right now and I️ know that is what brought them on, but it still really bothers me to have to deal with this.

Gigi84 profile image
Gigi84 in reply to bippy

Hi I'm new here an came across this post at this time is exctaly what I'm feeling I went to Er ekg was done and chest xray everything was normal. So scary. I'm glad we have this support group.

Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply to Gigi84

Thx for sharing and yes it can be very scary but I’m glad all your tests were normal.

Hiya, yes, I used to experience a similar thing, which, eventually, after many years was diagnosed by a heart consultant as anxiety related. I was prescibed a beta blocker, which greatly assisted but I think it is also about finding ways to relax and de-stress at work e.g. going to the gym/for a walk at lunch-time and making other lifestyle/diet changes. However, everyone is different so I think it would be helpful for you to see a consultant to advise as to the exact cause (I don't think seeing a GP would be sufficient - a specialist is needed). Take care,

laurachiresa profile image

I started getting heart palpitations about a year ago when my psych doctor tried to change me from one antidepressant to a different one to treat fibromyalgia as well. When the heart palpitations started they brushed it off as anxiety attacks and increased my medication and moved on. I just learned about a month ago after getting a second opinion that I have a tumor on my adrenal gland secreting adrenaline which is causing my heart palpitations among other things. I also learned the treatment my previous provider was giving me for the pain/anxiety could have resulted in very serious consequences including cardiac arrest. I thought that I was just being paranoid about my symptoms (though my previous provider assuring me it was nothing didn't help)

So I guess my suggestion would be to get it checked out just in case.

I hope you start to feel better.

Emmachaney4 profile image

I get them all time everyday dan and shooting pains I'm haveing a heart monitor set for a few days tomorrow I no it's anxiety but I need to no that by making sure there is nothing wrong 😔

Kg00 profile image

I too have heart palpitations for over a year they have been a daily but when they first started scared the heck out of me as mine feel like a skipped beat then a strong one. Anyway I went to doctores did the week long monitor and all is good. And after much reasearch for the majority of people these are fine. So do not stress! Now when I get them I know I'm okay so I just try to relax. There are so many people who get these every day and yes it's annoying and uncomfortable but you are not dying. I also researched ways to help this as it is an awful feeling and I take Heart Calm every day and it has brought them down 70-90% so it is well worth the 24$ a month. It's magnesium and a couple other supplements and was created to help people with this. So after you find out yours are not hurting you (and most likely they are not) try the heart calm but it does take a couple weeks to start working and took me a month to really make a huge impact. I have my sanity back with this atlest my anxiety not so much.

Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply to Kg00

Thank you so much for the suggestion. I’ve been checked many times and my heart is fine. It’s basically my anxiety.

ComingUpRoses profile image

I've been wanting to ask someone this exact question for awhile now, so, interesting I come across your post! I've gotten random ones since I was very young, but lately they've been happening if not every day, every other day. They always catch me off guard and I have to stop and breathe through it. I am quite sure mine are anxiety and stress related as my stress levels are just through the roof. I had an EKG when I was in my early teens and it only showed a heart murmur, which I thought I was told was not uncommon.

Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply to ComingUpRoses

Well my anxiety has been through the roof lately as well and I️ notices them more often and I️ can’t stand it. Like you said it catches you off guard and then I️ keep thinking about it and I️ can’t concentrate. Especially when I’m at work, someone suggested heart calm so I️ think I’m gonna try it and hope for the best. Good luck to you as well.

Telisha40 profile image

I do i stayed five days in the hospital to have tests ran ekg stress test echo test and all but they said my heart was fine seen two cardiologist and whore a thirty day monitor they just said my heart beated a lil faster than normal but it was fine they wanna start me on a low dose of beta blockers it was happening everyday but now that i dont worry and stress about it its not everyday now make sure your hydrated also and make sure your not a anemic or you dont have thyroid problems cause that can do it i dont drink caffeine anymore either so rule out everything also stress can do it to.GOODLUCK

Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply to Telisha40

Thank you for the advice. It really stinks to have this from stress and anxiety. Years ago I also had a stress test and a heart monitor but everything was fine. I️ am just trying to limit my stress as much as I️ can but it’s not always that easy.

Gigi84 profile image

I'm glad I came across this post because I feel the same way I had never had heart palpitation this frequently until 3 or 4 months ago I've always had anxiety but it seems to be getting worse. I'm going to ask to see a cardiologist even if my EKG chest xrayscame back normal

bippy profile image

I find it very interesting that so many of us here have palpitations. This is The second time I have posted my experience with this condition. A month ago my Cardio. ordered a two week halter monitor. The results were PVC's (Premature ventricular beats) caused by excess adrenaline from stress. Not a serious condition in my case.

Just thought I would share this. It's always a relief to know it's not serious, none the less it is very annoying and uncomfortable! I sympathize so much with all of you who have this.

I am very glad we all have each other to share with! :-)

Krazie profile image

Yes, I used to get heart palpitations. I thought it was because of my never-ending stress and anxiety. Then I developed arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, and finally heart failure. The only reason I am alive is because I have an implanted ICD that regulates my heart. i have thought, what if I had gone to a doctor long enough for treatment when I just had palpitations?

Sandia profile image
Sandia in reply to Krazie

Wow! Thank you for sharing, you can’t blame yourself because you are not a doctor. How are we suppose to know when it’s serious or not. I think a lot of people with anxiety just assume it’s another symptom of stress which it can be, but everyone should be checked to make sure it’s not something worse.

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