I can feel my anxiety slowly taking over once more I’m trying not to let it take over and become completely powerless over it. I am having a whole bunch of physical symptoms and my thoughts are negative and scary once more. I am trying so hard to keep myself together for the sake of my child..... she’s only 9 months old but I need to be there for her.... and I feel like my anxiety is getting in the way of that.
I feel it creeping back: I can feel my... - Anxiety and Depre...
I feel it creeping back

I know your pain I have my good days and my bad days a lot of my anxiety attacks I thought were heart attacks in the beginning because of the physical symptoms I was always having (heart pounding, dizzy, impending doom feeling, breathing difficulty) but after years of having them and talking to doctors and therapists I realize now when I have them they are just anxiety attacks but they can be very scary for sure if you don't know what it is in the beginning. I hate taking RX meds too so it's a double edge sword, I feel like I trade one problem for another when I take the pills the doctors give me and all the side effects that come with them. To be honest I have been using medical marijuana for the last few years and I feel it really helps me and doesn't have near as many bad side effects. I know it might sound crazy but look into it and try a sativa strain it really helps with mood, anxiety and depression. But use a low does if you never tried it before
I'm guessing that while caring for a young baby, you are maybe not finding enough time to care for yourself? When my anxiety revs up it's a sure sign I need to slow down and restabilize myself. There are great guided meditations online you could try. And giving yourself a day off from nonessential tasks. Watch a comedy movie or your favorite show. Take a bubble bath. .. whatever you need to do for yourself.