Can anyone relate i have palpations when i move around ive had ekgs done stress test done and ecko done and everything is normal so i went to the e.r done more test normal thyroid check and find is anyone else suffering with palpatations i was getting them here and there now everyday but i have had bad anxiety latetly but dang
Palpatations: Can anyone relate i have... - Anxiety and Depre...

I've been dealing with palpitations for some time now. Multiple ecgs, stress echo test, multiple blood works done, thyroid checked, and 48 hour holter monitor. Everything came back normal yet I still have them. I just have accepted or trying to that it is all related to anxiety and it is nothing serious or dangerous.
I too have been dealing with palpitations. Ive had ekgs done an event monitor for a month I had to wear. Blood tests etc and all come back normal. They've been such a part of my life last few years that I think I just got used to them. Even though they do take my breathe away at times. Feel better soon.
Hope you all can continue to deal with it. I can't it's so scary. Every time it happens I feel as if I'm dying. I go to the ER and I feel like they think I'm crazy because they do all these tests every time and they can't seem to find anything. It's so stressful I wish I knew what was wrong.

Maybe its stress stress can dp alot to the body o know how u feel tho
I hope that's all it is.

I have the same thing and have all the tests done and they found nothing wrong. I think it is all due to my anxiety and a symptom of it. I really don't like having them but over time I have tried to not stress over it when I have them because I think it just makes it worse.
Sandia, does yours come with aches too. Like I have frequent aches either my legs or my chest, its not a constant pain, it's off and on throughout the day.

Yes, I do get aches and pains as well. It really sux but after going to the ER and so many docs I now just believe it's all do to my stress and anxiety/panic.

Have u had other tests done
Constantly 😕
I no me to had every kind of test done said im fine every time i go to the er they say im fine its anxiety take something its scary as help my mom have them to cause she has anxiety to but she handles it well i dont
This is me I'm scared everyday
I'm with you all. I haven't except that its anxiety. I feel like that's just the easy thing for doctors to say. I'm trying to deal with but every time it happens its at random times and thats what scares me the most.
After seeing the cardiologist yesterday he said all my test are fine but when u laying down and my heart starts to palpatate it really scares me i was taking something for the palpatations only 30 mil but it was making me dizzy so the cardiologist told me to stop taking dizziness better but my pulse rate is up now when im lying down my mom said maybe you should see someone about the anxiety but i dont feel anxious but know i do because i dont like this feeling and i wish it would just go away