Hello friends just stopped in to let u guys no what's going on in my life I suffer from depression so I'm always a little. moody I also suffer from anxiety that gets worst at night I have shortness of breath. Vomiting dizziness fast heart beat I sweat I have headaches all the time. But god is good he always pull me through and he is always with me no matter what if I can make it through it u guys can to just keep god first he will never put more on you than u can bare I don't take any medicine by the grace of god it gets better just take it one day at a time😇😊
God is good: Hello friends just stopped... - Anxiety and Depre...
God is good

Hi (:
I also suffer from depression and anxiety and it's gotten really bad. Recently I've started reading my Bible so much more and it truly helps. I don't normally reply to posts at all on any site. I literally just made this account to reply to your post. It brought happy tears to my eyes. I also don't take medication and I believe that God would see us all through these difficult times.
I truly hope you'll have a blessed night (or day, it's night where I am) (:
Reading the bible does wonders for me as well. a Peacefulness thats inexplainable
I'm currently trying to get religious. I was given my first bible today. Any other readings I had were from passages from it online. I feel it would be a big step in the right direction. Just these few days I've noticed a huge change in me. Even if you are not religious I would highly advise any of the users who read this who have not already done this, seek help from the church. Gods followers are the most amazing people on earth imo. I have a lot of doubts from growing up an atheist and studying science and using that as my belief system for so long. But these people open there arms to me, let me know that any questions I had regarding there beliefs could not offend them. It was mind boggling for me. The internet has exposed me to the worst of people (except for this site ) so seeing all this kindness from people was insane for me.
Thank you for the post
The Lord is great and working in all are lifes.
I am so glad you have your faith. Yes, taking one day at a time helps quite a bit.
I have severe mental illness. I have PTSD, obsessive compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and major depression. I have struggled with mental illness since I was a child. I had my first suicidal thought at 7 years old.
I was diagnosed with clinical depression when I was 16. Talk therapy helped quite a bit.
I endured severe abuse and torture as a child. But you are right. Praying and remembering that God loves you does keep you going.
I know the anxiety attacks are horrible. Sometimes I have panic attacks. Counseling has helped along with the right medication. I am not saying you need medication, it just helped in my particular case.
I am glad things are getting better by the grace of God. Yes, taking things one day at a time makes a huge difference.

Thank you so much for being so supportive