I tend to have anxiety and depression worst in the mornings. I have Meds but looking for natural ways to get rid of constant negative feelings.
Morning anxiety and depression - Anxiety and Depre...
Morning anxiety and depression

My worst time too is first thing in the morning. I have started listening to guided hypnosis in the morning. It has helped me.
My mornings are horrible. There is something about darkness and knowing there aren't any expectations just the relief of sleep. Unless I have nightmares even then it's a welcome relief from the days.
I would certainly like to know how to find the guided hypnosis you're using for anxiety. Is there a website?
The morning are the worst for me too
I used to dred mornings! I would wake up angry to still be alive. So I started putting little signs with positive affirmations around my bed. When I wake up in the morning now, the first thing I see is positive things to consider & concentrate on. It gets me started on the right foot. Mornings aren't so bad anymore