Does anyone know if I can have Microneedling done while I’m taking Eliquis?
Thank you
Does anyone know if I can have Microneedling done while I’m taking Eliquis?
Thank you
Since anticoagulants make blood clot less easily, any accident or elective procedure that involves breaking the skin, will result in greater bleeding and bruising and possibly greater scarring.
Like with tattooing, how much you bruise and bleed depends on what you are having done and your own particular skin type and bleeding pattern. You would need to weigh up the risks to you personally of having a cosmetic procedure and weigh that against any long term benefits. I suspect that any good microneedling practioner would be reluctant to do anything other than very superficial needling (ie not pierce deep into the skin) so it might be that it is not worth the expense. 🙂
I don’t know exactly what microneedling is, or what it implies, but I will tell you I’ve been having acupuncture for years while on Eliquis, also have had dry needling, by my physical therapist. No issues whatever. Prior to the last 3 years of being on Eliquis, I was on warfarin, and I had years of acupuncture while on that med, also with no issues at all.
HI Clare
ACUK have produced a comprehensive patient information sheet around this topic written by Clincal Pharmacists with a specialist interest in this area
Hope this assists
Do you mean microblading for eyebrows ? It is fine cuts . You must tell the beauty technician in charge of the clinic thatvyou are taking blood thinners . You will bleed . You must ask your blood specialist team if you can stop for 24 hours . Some microblading Technicians will require a specialists letter or at least you sign a medical waiver to not hold them responsible for any after effects . The micro technician I called required this .
It is microneedling of the complete face not the eyebrows.
I don’t think I will have it done because it is too much of a risk. I am thankful for my good health as it gets is.
Thank you so much for your reply!