Hello everyone!!! I think I have been dealing with peripheral neuropathic pain. There’s not a medicine yet that has helped with this pain. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Peripheral Neuropathy : Hello everyone!!! I think... - AMN EASIER
Peripheral Neuropathy

There are many things that you can take that are natural that could potentially help with neuropathic pain. Prescription medication’s just mask symptoms, and don’t do the greatest job and lead to many side effects.
I’ve been dealing with AMN for over 20 years, however, I’m lucky enough for whatever reason and I don’t have neuropathy. I do however spend a lot of time researching natural treatments and therapies for this disease. I’m a Holistic Nutritionist. If you’d like to reach out, send me a message as it would be too much to go over here.
I've had symptoms of AMN for about 30 years. About 4 years ago I was getting very severe pain in my lower back on my right side. I asked to get a referral to the pain clinic at our local hospital. I saw a doctor for about 75 minutes. She was the most thorough doctor I have ever seen. I had to have an ECG. She prescribed me Venlafaxine. It is an antidepressant but has been found to work on nerve end pain. Within a couple of days the pain was gone.
hi Travis, yes I struggle with severe neuropathy pain in my feet and lower legs. I have tried everything that my neurologist and other members of the community have suggested and nothing helps. I’m most comfortable when I am barefoot and my feet are elevated otherwise feels like I’m standing in lava up to my knees
Hello Travis,
I don't have true neuropathy pain but I do have cold feeling in my feet and calves, it's like cold wind or they are in cold water at night when trying to sleep. I tried Lyrica first with unpleasant side effects and switched to Gabapentin which has helped, but over time I have had to keep increasing the dose for the proper effect, which is a common issue with medications. What bluejadewho said about naturals sounds quite interesting though. Best of luck with this!!
Be well and have as good a day as you can!!
Best of luck finding any doctor who'll take any kind of pain seriously, even more so neuropathic pain. That's a nice, positive message.
I have taken plenty - Gabapantin, Pregabelin, Mirogabelin, Codeine, Tramadol, Prozac, Marijuana, booze.
As I might have said before, the only thing that seems to work is to get my mind all twisted so that I no longer care.
Lyrica + Tramadol combination is great for sorting out any pain. At the price of getting absolutely nothing done all day. I could say the same about smoking weed all day, or getting drunk.
My wife is enduring chemotherapy right now. Neuropathy is still a relatively new thing for her. I been living with it for the best part of a decade now.
No experience with that type of pain, but my TENS machine helps me with general pain and calming leg spasms.