Used to ride a motorbike, so many low speed spills, and I always landed on my right shoulder. For years, if it was cold, was like I had arthritis or something. Dull, aching pain. Then when the AMN cranked up I commenced to falling. Always landed well. Right hand down, right shoulder absorbed the impact.
After I started taking 4-Aminopyridine, I pretty much stopped falling over. Stumble-a-plenty, just never go down. Just in the house is the danger, when I'm indoors, I give the meds a rest. Falling over time.
Couple of weeks ago, when I went head first into a door, my shoulder took another whallop, and since then, the top of my shoulder has been hurting like hell. Stiff, rock hard, and muscle pain like a vice. Muscle pain can be agony. Like I want to cry.
And, it's like a doctor said to me a few years back, the spasticity is all over. Likely it's compounded by the spasticity aggravating an already diabolicaly tight muscle. Wouldn't surprise me if my lopsided walking is a factor in all this as well
I didn't even bother with a doctor, I learned long back that if you mention pain, they just give you the skunkeye, treat you like a drug addict on the make.
Throw in a load of platitudes about hot baths and whatnot.
I dug out my TENS unit and strapped it on. Absolutely beautiful, as soon as the juice flows into my muscles, pain be gone. I wore that thing for 8-10 hrs every day for over a week. Can't use today, I'm starting to damage my skin, but the pain is down 90% so I'll just wait it out now.
I know some of us have had mixed results with TENS, but for me, for muscle pain at least, it simply cannot be beat.