I just get them on demand, any doctor will do.
I gave up last week, after about a year of daily use. I just used to sit there watching TV of a night time, munching away on Gabapentin. Didn't even care about the dose.
The spasms is the main thing with me. Leg spasms, stomach spasms, upper body sometimes.
Anyway, so last week I stopped. Just because I'd ran out and had no time to see a doctor. I thought I'd just make do with Valium and Baclofen.
I'd been so used to drifting off to sleep, legs as heavy as lead. Not so much as a twitch.
But the spasms, they came with a vengeance, I'd taken 5mg of Valium and 30mg of Baclofen. The stomach spasms were phenomenal. I felt like I was turning inside out.
A week with no Gabapentin, it was weird getting sensations back in my body after generally being anesthetized to life.
I'll get to the point now.
Gabapentin and Lyrica are unbeatable for conquering muscle spasms.
Even a year or so back, Benzos would work but now they don't.
I'll also point out that Phenibut is a decent alternative to Gabapentin
Went to the doctor today to ask about some antidepressants, that's a different story.
Got some Gabapentin and Lyrica while I was there.
Seeing a psychiatrist tomorrow. I'll report back on that.