it is some months since my last post. since then, my fractured hip has almost completely healed itself without any treatment other than enforced bed rest for three weeks a year ago. the fracture was such that i could bear weight on it, albeit painfully, held together by the sticky soft tissue.
strange thing is that i no longer fall down [well once in 10 months], whereas for years it was a weekly event. it makes me think that i had been "walking" on a fractured hip for years without knowing it!
anyway, the reason for this post is to talk about neuropathic pain and "tolerance". the latter is the phenomenon where drugs, specifically opioids [codeine, tramadol, morphine], loose their efficacy with prolonged use. i discovered this with a vengence while in hospital last year with the hip fracture: whilst Oramorph [5ml morphine] worked when i was first admitted, towards the end of my stay, 10ml oramorph had no effect on pain.
i have begun to think that "tolerance" is a more general phenomenon affecting other pain medications. for example, gabapentin [max dose 3600mg/day], which i take for neuropathic pain, is way less effective when i first took even small doses many years ago. there is a glimmer of hope in that i read of peoples experiences taking opioid "holidays" can lead to the medications recovering their effect. however, this whole area is vague, and i don't hold my breath. for now, i have gradually come off tramadol completely but..
my feet, mostly toes, are very painful, especially in the morning. sitting or better walking around [i use a 4-wheeled walker], gets rid of the worst of the pain, returning to a mild burning sensation.
nights are, these days, seldom times for sleep, even though i go through the motions. i have acquired "restless leg syndrome", something i remember from years ago when i was losing power in my right arm. i wanted to rip my arm from its socket! however, even now, i do not believe that my right side deficits [subject to spasticity [stiffness], muscle weekness], are due to "ALD/AMN" [the way they occurred is not consistent with those or a stroke]] . my left leg, whilst i have lost all sensation, nevertheless allows me to get around. my left arm allows me to use a walker and do most chores around the house.
i have been searching a way to combat the pain in my feet; any ideas? it is a bit like the neuropathic pain from diabetes [with its terrible end-points], but i am not diabetic [every time i am in hospital, it is the first thing they test]. the damaged nervous system leads to reduced peripheral circulation, and reduced ability to repair even the most minor skin damage.
sorry for writing so much, and possibly repeating what i have written in earlier posts. i must not complain, as my hermit-like life is bearable, and i get much "work" on computers done [i have been forced to retire].
best wishes, jack