I have had A-fib for approximately 5-6 years and I am at a cross road as to treatment decisions . First some background information. In the beginning my AF attacks were only every few months. I was put on Eliquis, Metroprol and flecinaide. The flec made me feel like I was 10 years older so I was switched to Flec as PIP. Unfortunately Eliquis caused GI bleeds, some serious enough that I required transfusions and hospitalizations . My blood has several antibodies which means that it is hard to find a match for me. I finally had a watchman placed last August and that solved the GI bleed problem. A few months later I was breathless again and went to the hospital again. The end result is that a zio patch showed that I had a few very long pauses which led to the installation of a 2 lead Pace Maker a year ago. I was also diagnosed with HFpEF (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction) and put on daily flec 2 times a day and was AF free from last February until this January when my AF became persistent. I have been taken off of Flec and now need to decide what to do next. My heart rate Control is well managed for the most part and I could continue just doing that and living with AF. Or I could do an AV node ablation and since I already have a PM I could stop my med and hope for a better QOL. Or if I want to take the risk of bleeding I should consider a PFA, which requires that I go back on Eliquis for 2 or 3 months. Because of my age(81) the persistent AF plus HFpEF I would likely need to do 2 of those with only 50% success rate. Or I could find out more about and do a mini maze surgery which might give a better % outcome. But I don't know if I would have to go back on Eliquis for those surgeries. So any info or experiences that any in our group has had I would love to hear from you....in other words it may help me decide which path to follow next.