Hi there,
Am new to this forum and found all the info very helpful, this is my first post . I know everyone is different and there are literally thousands of posts so excuse if I have missed what I was looking for...which is people who have persistent AF with no underlying case...
I was diagnosed with Persistent “cryptogenic” AF in Oct last year(bolt out of blue with no other health issues) which I was advised means no underlying cause (all new to me) after all bloods, x rays, echocardiogram.... all clear. A CV procedure in Nov failed, now Cardiologist put me on Flecainide (as well as Bisoprolol and Edoxaban,) potentially to help me get into normal sinus rhythm after another CV due in about May. Consultant did say there was slim chance Flec MAY put me back in normal rhythm without the CV but am not holding out much for this.
After 5 weeks on Flec...I find that my BP readings (3-4 a day) which have consistently previously since October recorded AF on EVERY reading since Oct, 23% of these readings show NO AF.
I am not getting too excited as I know these monitors can find it hard to read persistent AF, taking my manual pulse is practically impossible..(I know I am alive but my pulse is buried and would indicate otherwise.. even docs can’t find it😄
Anyway, long winded background to a question, has anyone else cardioverted to normal sinus rhythm on Flecainide and if so, after how long?
I am thinking of getting Kardia mobile so I can see if I am NOT in AF, rather than relying on random BP minor or pulse readings.....the posts I have seen seem to be about people who have intermittent AF, so I wondered if anyone out there with persistent AF with any feedback please?
Many thanks