Hello everyone! I have read some of your posts on AF and want to let you know about my experience with it. I've had the EBV (Epstein-Barre) virus for a long time. I did not know what was causing my fatigue, weakness, heart palps, skipped beats, dizziness and tachardyia for 30 years. I guess because the conventional docs don't think they can or don't know how to treat EBV, they just don't test for it. However, I finally got tested and my antibodies for it were off the charts. So, I was told there is no treatment except for building up your immune system. I subsequently researched all I could, went on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol diet, as I also have Psoriasis and because of going gluten free which cleared up my skin almost 95%, I realized I was gluten sensitive. (NCGS) Later I contracted the CV-19 virus. I did not get the jab(s). Got tested for the CV micro clots, which were positive so my doc put me on Eliquis, 81mg aspirin, Serrapeptase and Neprinol to clean up the clots. I am now on the natural blood thinner Neprinol, as was planned to taper off the Eliquis and end with the natural blood thinners. Am also off of Serrapeptase as well, which is also natural. Since I've went on blood thinners I have felt much, much better. My migraines are gone but for an occasional overtired mild tension headache, my tachardyia is gone, my dizziness is mostly gone, and my energy is a lot better. I still get mild ataxia when overtired and I still have a ways to go. Need to work on insomnia and exercise more. The post exertional malaise still happens. Did not have this before Covid. It's been hard, and I am 73 yo, but I believe that the regimen to thin my blood has helped tremendously. I can relate so much to your anxiety levels going up with AF, dizziness, Tach, etc. This also ups our fatigue level as racing heart is like one just ran a marathon. Our hearts are so loyal to us. We need to really take care of them as much as possible. I start and stop with exercise. Think the chair routines will be good, tried it one day, but it's so hard to get on a regular schedule with this insomnia! P.S.
I feel I'm betraying my heart health by these late awake nights, and then getting sleep at weird times of day because I am sooo sleepy and fatigued it's hard to get work done in the daytime, so I end up doing many chores at night when my energy comes up. It is so strange. I suspect my cortisol is flipped. PEM is sometimes debilitating since it causes one to lose days due to energy crashes and then sleeping 1/2 to whole days, depending. I Can anyone else relate to this? Any suggestions to reset circadian rhythm?
CV-19 injures the endothelium layer inside our blood vessels. So the fibrin and cholesterol come in to repair the damage, and voila', this can cause clots to form. The clots from CV are harder to dissolve than regular clots. It's a very bad man-made virus. So please stop taking the jab
s, they just impair and lower your immune system the more you take them. More virus exposure (from either CV or vax) causes immune system fatigue and eventual shut-down. Also causes neuro damage. Prayers go out to all suffering!