I am currently taking eliquis for atrial fib but also have a history of a diverticulum and am concerned about taking a blood thinner. I was wondering if anyone had any bleeding issues such as diverticular bleeding or gastrointestinal bleeding while taking a doac such as mentioned in post? It concerns me that people have been hospitalized with diverticular bleeding who have been on doacs, needing blood transfusions. Doctors don't seem to think this is a concern...??
anyone had diverticular or gastrointe... - Atrial Fibrillati...
anyone had diverticular or gastrointestinal bleed while taking doacs (such as eliquis, xarelto, pradaxa, etc.)?
I have diverticular disease and have been hospitalised with a bowel abscess in the past. I was taking a doac at the time (2016) and didn’t have any noticeable bleeding nor have I had any serious bleeding since.
As with Buffafly, I too suffer with diverticular disease and have been hospitalised on two occasions with infection, I was on anti coags at the time of admittance for both but I had no bleeding. Hope this helps, I take quite a few meds and it's Riveroxaban that I'm on. Best regards
Hi there,
Back in 1988 I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I had major surgery in 2011 and have remained Crohn’s free since then.
Since I turned 60 my ‘poo stick’ tests have all been normal with the exception of my latest one last week.
I started blood thinners in July 2023, Jan 2023 my blood screening was clear.
I am interested to find out if blood thinners are a contributing factor in my abnormal results.
*bowel screening*
I have diverticulitis and take apixaban and have no problems with bleeding
Hi, I too have Diverticular disease and I've been on Rivaroxaban for years and never had any bleeding problems.
I have diverticular disease, diagnosed 2 years ago with a major flare up needing hospitalisation last year. I’ve been taking Warfarin for years. Never had any bleeding.
no I haven’t but I did have a brain bleed when I fell heavily and crashed my head on paving. Went to hospital mainly for the mess I had done to my leg and face didn’t know about the head until hospital checked. Was given the reversal drug then went back on my apixaban 3 weeks later
Just as a reminder they are not blood thinners, but anticoagulants. Helping to stop blood clots which are prevalent to we afibbers
I have diverticulosis and take no meds for it. I do take apixaban and have no bleeds.