I am currently taking eliquis for atrial fib but also have a history of a diverticulum and am concerned about taking a blood thinner. I was wondering if anyone had any bleeding issues such as diverticular bleeding or gastrointestinal bleeding while taking a doac such as mentioned in post? It concerns me that people have been hospitalized with diverticular bleeding who have been on doacs, needing blood transfusions. Doctors don't seem to think this is a concern...??
anyone had diverticular or gastrointe... - Atrial Fibrillati...
anyone had diverticular or gastrointestinal bleed while taking doacs (such as eliquis, xarelto, pradaxa, etc.)?

I have diverticular disease and have been hospitalised with a bowel abscess in the past. I was taking a doac at the time (2016) and didn’t have any noticeable bleeding nor have I had any serious bleeding since.
As with Buffafly, I too suffer with diverticular disease and have been hospitalised on two occasions with infection, I was on anti coags at the time of admittance for both but I had no bleeding. Hope this helps, I take quite a few meds and it's Riveroxaban that I'm on. Best regards
Hi there,
Back in 1988 I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I had major surgery in 2011 and have remained Crohn’s free since then.
Since I turned 60 my ‘poo stick’ tests have all been normal with the exception of my latest one last week.
I started blood thinners in July 2023, Jan 2023 my blood screening was clear.
I am interested to find out if blood thinners are a contributing factor in my abnormal results.
My GP says the anticoagulants can cause some bowel bleeding intermittently. I have this on occasions especially if I have been eating large meals such as when on holiday
*bowel screening*
I have diverticulitis and take apixaban and have no problems with bleeding
Thank you! It's good to hear from several people who also have diverticular disease who are not having problems with blood thinners! It's made me very nervous taking eliquis as I have read that some with diverticular disease who have been taking doacs have ended up in the hospital with bleeding. There's also a warning with the drug inserts that it can cause diverticular bleeding. I've thought about taking 1/2 the pill (2.5mg.) but of course, the doc doesn't like that idea. 😑 Also, I am noticing dizziness and I think it's related to the eliquis.
Hi, I too have Diverticular disease and I've been on Rivaroxaban for years and never had any bleeding problems.
I have diverticular disease, diagnosed 2 years ago with a major flare up needing hospitalisation last year. I’ve been taking Warfarin for years. Never had any bleeding.
no I haven’t but I did have a brain bleed when I fell heavily and crashed my head on paving. Went to hospital mainly for the mess I had done to my leg and face didn’t know about the head until hospital checked. Was given the reversal drug then went back on my apixaban 3 weeks later
Just as a reminder they are not blood thinners, but anticoagulants. Helping to stop blood clots which are prevalent to we afibbers
I felt and face planted the pavement a couple of weeks ago. I had CT scan of head and face, fortunately I was ok this time. It does scare me as my father died after a fall when he was on warfarin
Warfarin is the old tried snd tested anticoagulant, but not sure if any reversal drugs for thst and not quite so controllable I don’t think. Also how long ago did that happen to your dad as with CT scans snd technology times have changed. I was sorry to hear you lost your dad
Thank you ❤️It was very sad, he fell repairing his shed and his arm went black. We didn't realise he had banged his head as mum and I were out at the time. One week later he was admitted to hospital with a stroke caused by interceanial bleeds. This was suddenly 4 days before Christmas. It was a very long time ago 1988 and as you say technology was not very good then. He was only 60 so very sad 😢
they can give Vitamin K as an injection for someone who is on warfarin and bleeding.
Yes, I believe so but it was a very long time ago and because he had a stroke they were treating him for that without a head scan so they kept him taking his warfarin until he slipped into unconsciousness..only them did they transfer him to another hospital where they discovered the brain bleed.
yes, I agree that they are anticoagulants...blood thinners is just kind of an unofficial term that I think people are used to using, but with the same implied meaning, but thank you for that clarification. Sorry to hear that you took such a fall! I'm glad to hear that you came thru in good shape! I'm curious about the reversal drug - was it readily available for you and did you have any side effects at the time that they gave it? That is a relief to know that there is a reversal agent available since at the beginning of these drugs coming out, there wasn't.
No I didn’t have any side effects from the reversal drug. It was literally into hospital by ambulance (I was a mess with my leg and face), CT scan, into bed and immediate cannula and the reversal put in. Took about half hour. Kept in for a couple of nights but that was mostly because of my leg as then had to have an operation on it followed by skin graft. It was recommended to keep off my apixaban for 3 weeks then back to normal. Well except for a bad face and leg to heal.
Pat x
Ps…I’ve been told that eliquis apixaban is the kindest to brain and stomach of all the anticoagulants . I also have diverticulitis and touch wood no problems snd been on anticoagulants for about 9 years I have also had brain tumour surgery about 8 years ago
I have diverticulosis and take no meds for it. I do take apixaban and have no bleeds.
Thank you! Very encouraging to hear! I have been very nervous about taking apixaban because of the potential for diverticular bleeding but of all the meds like it, it does have the least risk of that happening. Whenever I mention the worry I have to my docs about the potential for bleeding, they don't say anything....I think it's because a lot of what affects us older folks isn't what the younger docs relate to, so they don't have the same concerns that we do. I think with a lot of health concerns, you have to experience it for yourself to really understand the other person.
I have diverticular disease but have been ok so far on apixaban. I do get occasional small amounts of bright red blood after exercise or bowel movements. My doctor has examined me and tested me for bowel cancer which all came back negative. I would rather take apixaban though than risk a stroke as I saw this happen to my brother
That's very good to hear! I'm so glad that you are doing well! I relate to your situation as I also have had some bleeding from hemorrhoids but no blood in stool. Thank you for your comment!
I've been on Apixaban for over 8 years. I have a severe allergy to tomato which can cause gastric bleeds either when I'm sick or in the form of bloody (I'm not swearing) diarrhea. It can be very dramatic-looking but since it's happened countless times over the last 63 years, I just clean up and wait it out. I've not gone to A&E about it since I was young. I just mention it at my annual review.
please see a gastroenterologist about that. It sounds like something more serious could be happening. Passing a lot of bloody diarrhea frequently is not good. I really hope that you will have someone check you out. Take care!
I appreciate your concern, but as I said it is a serious allergy to tomato. Even tomato powder in something, let alone tomato sauce, ketchup or fresh tomatoes will cause it. I've been like it since I was 3 years old and I'm now 66.A slice of fresh tomato unseen in a sandwich will cause bloody projectile vomiting. Tomato powder or paste will get further through my system and cause bloody diarrhea.
Consequently I read the ingredients on absolutely everything I eat, and the first thing I learn in the language of whatever country I visit is "I cannot eat tomato"!
A month ago I had my worst diverticulitis flare up (I have one large diverticulum on the lower left, and several smaller). I thought the worst but either time or antibiotics (cephalexin 500mg tid) cleared it but it’s returned this week and is just now abating without treatment.
I don’t know what would happen if it bled. I also have bleeding from haemorrhoids but they cause no problems with my apixaban. Indeed, I’ve never noticed much in the way of bruising or bleeding since starting it. I sometimes wonder whether it’s doing anything.
Thank you Steve for your answer! They do have a reversal agent for apixaban called andexxa that is an injection but who wants to get to that point? I don't feel as many palpitations after I take apixaban but then I have paroxysmal afib which only shows up sometimes. My primary didn't even realize I had afib when he did an ekg because it didn't show on the ekg...not until the cardiologist did a holter monitor, did it pick it up. That's ok...I am happy when I don't feel any palpitations! I do hate taking meds but they make you feel like if you don't take it, you are heading for disaster. Just a thought...it might be good to have a blood test to check liver enzymes and kidney function as these values can be affected by these meds such as apixaban. It's strange that the docs don't seem to be concerned about checking blood levels...the literature teaches them that the beauty of these doacs is that they don't have to be monitored with blood tests, yet the literature also states that they can cause elevated liver enzymes but they don't seem to be concerned. I've had to mention that I would like to have a blood test ordered on a recent visit to the cardiologist but then the doc forgot to order it! 🙄
I don't know whether you are in the UK, but I am called back to my doctor's surgery every six months (I think) for a blood test to check liver enzymes because of the apixaban.
What symptoms do you get with your AF, apart from palpitations? I've had AF for the last five hours with heart rates up to 130bpm or so, but this past three hours more like 90bpm or lower. I get a feeling of palpitations, a slight soreness and strange feeling in my throat as well as a kind of chest ache, but nothing more. I wouldn't want to do too much as that would send my heart rate up for sure, so I've been pretty much resting throughout. Sometimes I feel a bit light headed, but not today.