I'm 73 and have PAF about once a month lasting 12 to 24 hours. Ablation went ok but 2 days later I went into strong AF after going to bed. Lasted for 15 hours, despite taking flecainde, before it resolved itself. Probably extended due to my severe anxiety. Arrhythmia nurse has reassured me , and no more episodes, now 5 days on, but I fear that the length of the episode may have affected the chances of my ablation success. Any advice?
15 hour AF episode 2 days after cryoa... - Atrial Fibrillati...
15 hour AF episode 2 days after cryoablation

you can have assorted rhythms for several months as the heart heals. It should abate over time.
Normal to have episodes in the 3 month blanking period, far too soon to mean anything with regard to success of the ablation. Things can still improve for a year or so. Easier said than done but try not to think about it. I’ve been there, see my bio by clicking my badge.
Here’s a link to the recovery info sheet api.heartrhythmalliance.org...
Best wishes
I had my worst ever AF episode two weeks after my ablation for atrial flutter. Most of the symptoms were, I suspect, exacerbated by fear (although I shall never know). They soon settled in the clinic with just 5mg bisoprolol, so the emergency CV was never needed, thankfully.
I think yours will settle over the weeks, and that will be the end of it.
Try not to worry, I was exactly same, I went into AF two days after my ablation, it lasted 23 hours which was very worrying at the time. It is now just over a year since I had the procedure done and I’m mostly AF free, I get occasional breakthroughs but my heart rate is not as high and the episodes don”t last as long either.
I had a very stressful event 5 days post ablation, I went into AF for 27hrs, self converted after additional bisoprolol. I'm now 9 months post ablation and have been in NSR ever since. AF is almost expected during the 3 month blanking period. Try not to stress, it's not good for you.
Thank you all for your replies. They are very reassuring and much appreciated. I was really taken by surprise by the "breakthrough" episode, just 2 days after the ablation, as it came on completely without warning, and without any of my usual triggers, apart from lying down. To be honest it rather freaked me out, especially as it seemed to go on forever, and I didn't manage to speak to an arrhythmia nurse for over 28 hours. I now know that these breakthrough episodes are common, but I've also read a post on here that stated we shouldn't allow the AF to continue for more than 4 hours!
I had exactly the same experience after my first (cryo) ablation -- a long run of a-fib a few days after the procedure. In my case it ran longer than yours and my doc said to meet him at the hospital, which I did, and he immediately sent me to have a cardioversion -- that worked its wonders. I was told it's normal in some cases, as the areas in the heart are inflamed by the procedure and "protest."
Thanks Snowgirl. How were you after that? You needed another ablation?
Well as I'm sure you've been told, each case is different. I had a lousy EP doing that ablation who decided not to ablate one of the 4 veins. His cardioversion worked for that episode, but I had shorter episodes after that until I reached the 3-month blanking period, where the ablation held for about a year-and-a-half. I had 2 ablations (RF) after that by a different EP.
John 14:27
27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
One of over 350 times the Bible tells us not to be afraid. I understand your anxiousness; I’m sure we all do, but you already know that doesn’t help. We all come here looking for answers. Comparing what is happening to us to people who suffer the same maladies. We really look for solace since even the medical experts don’t have all the answers.
I hope your current recovery is long lived and that you are able to find calmness in order to enjoy it. Who among us have not found it just as overwhelming?