After having 9 cardio versions (shock treatment) in the past two years and at the age of 77, I decided to go for quality of life and forego all the drugs that I have taken over the past few years. I tried two ablations and a few drug protocols of which none worked. After all of that and the worry of always looking for where a hospital would be when I traveled the decision to have the AV Node Ablation seemed like the best avenue for some continued years.
The good news is that I had a PM installed in April, 2023 and the AV Node ablation in May, 2023. After some adjustments for the HR my PM is now performing as I wanted. I am off all meds now with the exception of 5 mg of Eliquis twice a day for a blood thinner. I am walking over a mile multiple times a week and my conditioning is improving. To celebrate, I went fly fishing with a friend for 3 days and never worried about looking for a close emergency room. The best news is that I have several trips planned without worries. All good here!