went into af just before midnight, but was dozing on and off and thought it would be gone by morning. Well it hasn’t, so I have just used my single lead Kardia and the ecg shows like this! I have never had it like this, only erratic rate with pretty smooth bits in between, if that makes sense. I am asking for an explanation of what the pattern may mean, not a diagnosis. I am about to take my pip (verapamil) oh, and there is nothing near me that would cause any interference when taking the reading. Thank you.
weird Kardia ecg : went into af just... - Atrial Fibrillati...
weird Kardia ecg

It might be a low battery in your Kardia. See here: healthunlocked.com/afassoci...

Try using hand sanitizer before using. Looks like bad contact.
Thank you. Will do….. although I am definitely in AF, no doubt of that 🤣 x
My Apple Watch does that when I don't have it strapped up tight, so yes, bad contact. I'm in constant AF so I, like you, first saw this and panicked. I just need to do the watch up another hole and make sure I don't lift it up when I hold my finger on it.
Thank you. I am using the Kardia as I have done for the last 5 years…. I have just given my hands a good wash as BobD suggested and I am going to look at changing the battery as Drounding suggested. The Kardia showed ‘good signal’ on the little icon 🤣 I would love an Apple Watch but far too expensive for me.
Not of great help perhaps but there are a few pointers here on the Kardia Support Site: alivecor.zendesk.com/hc/en-...
That looks to me more like electrical interference of some kind. Was your phone/tablet doing something else at the same time, such as backing up or updating? Were you near some electrical equipment that was running, maybe a fan? (Microwave cookers are the worst!)Nevertheless, the irregular beat rate is clear.
Hi Mumist, thank you. No, phone not doing anything different to usual, not near any electrical stuff - I was doing it in the same place/position I have multiple tine over the years. I reckon it could be the battery running out. It has t had it replaced in 5 years! X
That definitely looks like interference of some sort-just for the hell of it, you might try turning your phone completely off for a minute, then back on-cleans out a lot of "debris" in the background of the phone. Also make sure all the other apps are not running. I once had a most unusual ecg on my Kardia one lead-a very sharp peak right next to a QRS peak, about 5 times as high as the QRS! Holy cow!! Turned out it was my phone receiving a text message just as I was taking an ecg! Whew!
I like that word, ‘artifact’ (I I know what is meant by it) makes me think of the weird and wonderful world of ‘Warehouse 13’ 🤣
That sawtooth pattern looks like aflutter to me. But it could also be the battery.
The second half of the ecg settled down to just normal afib, then the one I did later did the same thing with the erratic stuff. After this one i took my pip.
Also, what does flutter feel like?
Flutter is a more regular beat but fast. It doesn’t jump around. When I had AFib one minute my hr would be 160 then the next 75. And it was irregular beats. Flutter is more like tachycardia. And the ecg will have a sawtooth pattern with regular timed beats.
Also it did feel like AFib kind of to me but when I sent the ecg to my doctor he confirmed it was flutter.