Just had a letter from D of W and P that from my 80th birthday (on21st) my state pension will rise (drum roll) by 25 pence a week!
However much did that cost them to tell me? Is it me?
Disgusted North Devon
Just had a letter from D of W and P that from my 80th birthday (on21st) my state pension will rise (drum roll) by 25 pence a week!
However much did that cost them to tell me? Is it me?
Disgusted North Devon
Enough to give you palpitations! 🤣
Me too Bob. Started in 1971 and it would be £4.50 today but never increased. Just like the £10 Christmas present pensioners receive. If that had increased with inflation we'd be getting £162 !
Many years ago my mum received a similar letter of a 25p a week raise in her pension. With the same delivery was a letter from the council informing her that her poll tax (as it was then) was going up by 50p a week. You couldn’t make it up if you tried.
We had this letter for my dad & he had the same reaction 😂
No it's not you. It's ridiculous.
Nothing like feeling valued for all the years of hard work you’ve put in Bob! It’s an insult. Have a happy birthday anyway on the 21st and treat yourself to well …. a small slice of fairy cake?
BobD wrote:
However much did that cost them to tell me?
£1.65 1st class. However, it's likely to be sent 2nd class.
Nearly 4 years' worth of pension increase. Don't spend it all at once😉
Rgds Paul
At least they sent it before the price of the stamps went up!!
Heh Vonnegut.
Good Ole' DWP. I'm sure this will reassue BobD that they are taking steps to reduce their public spending and put the extra money into his pension payouts.
A whole 25p extra every year. Wow - it must feel like a lottery win to Bob.
The DWP are doing a great job keeping up with the high cost of living.
Legends in their own lunch time.
Rgds Paul
LOL. 4 weeks @ 25p and Bob will be able to buy a loaf of bread!
Now dont spend it all at once Bob, you know what you are like. Be careful not to let it burn a hole in your pocket. The drinks are on you then.
It's a total joke isn't it. Absolutely pathetic, I'd be fuming as I guess you are.
I’m fuming over how workers appear to be penalised
I got that letter last April/May. What cost to administration!
all i can say is wow! I wonder how much the Consultants and sub- committees were paid to work that out......millions
I remember when I received a similar letter! Oh! The excitement!!! It’s so important to have a good sence of humour!
I'm due to qualify for that later this month...I'm so excited 😉
Yep, got mine last year, wonderful spending spree, wouldn't even by a stamp......wait for it, She's about to take it away and whatever else she can think of from our pensions lol. Don't spend it all at once Bob!
I always like to look on the bright side....I suspect we will be the last generation lucky enough to receive an OAP at 65 that is not means tested and is so far inflation linked.
My wife had some gaps in her NI record so we paid up front for those as the cheapest form of maxing out on OAP/annuity for life. We did the same for my daughter up to emigrating but whether she will benefit from that in due course is testing my optimism.
Morning Secondtry.
I get mine when I hit 67. TBH it wouldn't shock me at all if they 'up' that to 70. The best part is that even with all 'my full years' in, I still have pay my full NI towards my pension as a self employed person.
Such is life.
Rgds Paul
Yep. My husband has worked from age 16, is an OAP and still works part-time to pay for our 'luxuries' like trips to see our grandchildren, and he still pays NI. Life isn't fair is it?
And with the tax thresholds frozen for the next 3 years at least,that 25p is even less.
well thats five bob Bob go to the baths fish n chips still have money for flicks!
Cheers Robert ( Bob )
I remember as a young Bob, my mates and I would put five bob each in the kitty, a couple of gallons of petrol in the car and drive 20 miles to Southend to go bowling on the peir. If we were there all night we got a free full english breakfast, and there was usually a few pennies left in the kitty for the next week. My first salary was £20 a month and I gave mother £10 for keep! Happy days.
Plus 4.1% p.a. on your existing state pension.
I actually get my state pension this December after having to wait those extra 6 yrs ..and the promise of compensation…yeh right…let’s not get political.
Enjoy your 25p. No idea what you can get with it…such a joke
Me too. I can hardly breathe excitement.
I was thinking how expensive letters are these days yesterday! Dont spend it all at once, save a bit of it!!
WOW something to look forward to I guess? Only 12 years to go here for my +25p then.
Wow they really know how to reward you Bob don't they! Mind u if u save it all up for 2 years you might be enough to buy a bottle of ure favourite tipple. Nothing too posh though!
They did a number on me too and suddenly moved the goalposts and made me wait another 6yrs. Even the law agreed not telling me was wrong and they should cough up some ......they promised but then had a change of heart & wont honour the law of the land. Did same with my TP and that all got changed for the worse out of the blue......
Usual corruption in government robbing wherever they can. Haven't they just decided to rob the disabled now?
But they themselves are nicely funded for clothing and glasses. 🙄🙄
Could say a lot but I don't want to swear on the forum, but it's pathetic.
you’re lucky mine was 19p……
Lucky you!
Is that before tax? 😅
Don't you go and spend it all at once ! 😀
Don’t spend it all, you might need 5p per week of it to pay the tax person his/her 20%
Best wishes
I’m surprised you got that much bob given the dire state of things nowadays.!!!
A paltry sum indeed. However I fear for those in their 20’s and 30’s who may, despite paying taxes, never receive a state pension.
Hi JD.
It's a moot point if young people in their 20s and 30s will receive a full state pension. The age to have a pension will certainly increase. I think it's being reviewed in 2028 - it's going hit me if the age to receive it is higher. I think young adults in that age bracket won't be able to rely on the pension at all. For me personally, I think it will be increased to 70.
No laughing matter for people in their 20s and 30s when you think about it.
Rgds Paul
Me too. Wonder how much it cost them to tell us that, not just in postage but in admin whose workers are given holiday pay, and guaranteed pensions, and who are probably working from home or maybe even a beach in Marbella.
Hurrah!! 🥰 Hang out the flags Bob you'll nearly have a donation towards your next 1st class stamp!!
might take you take over the tax threshold Bob, can’t wait till August to my 25p🤣
Dear disgusted.I used to be a civil servant, calculating and paying folks state pension and used to think it was an insult then.
It's been in since early 70s (before my time) so, in those days, you could probably buy a house, pack of Woodbines, bottle of stout, a bag of chips and still get change.😊
In 5 months you can buy a carton of milk!
Careful, I’ve heard, your government might label that hate speech
Just think Bob, soon there going to spy on all your bank accounts and see what your spending that windfall on as well!
If only so many red wall OAPs hadn’t turned blue, eh? Payback time. But - the triple lock has done us proud overall. Thank goodness for private pensions.
Without my index linked Bank pension I would starve as quarter of my supplentary pension goes in tax. I was opted out of state so that is basic too.
Certainly we wouldn’t manage without my husbands private pensions.My husband is taxed on those as well.
I feel for anyone who has to cope with the basic pension if alone but a married couple now would get nearly £20k which is at least far better than only a very few years ago. My current gripe is the continued freeze on the tax free allowance, which I consider an unforgivable aspect of the current tax system.
Yes the tax free allowance is staying like that till April 2026.
It’s an unjust tax device.
Well they have to pay for the 2.8% rise in MP’s salary in April somehow.!! Their pay is going up to £93,904 from £91,346. How many people earn that sort of money.They can also claim for their staff costs,office costs, accommodation and travel! That’s more than most people get. . My husband was a senior manager in finance and earned a good salary, but nowhere near as much as that. The average salary in the UK is apparently £34.000.!
Did you vote for the people in charge?
No politics on here please.
My state pension is going up by more than that. Do you get extra pension when you get to 80 ?
I know exactly how you feel Bob, as I had the same letter about a month ago and have been celebrating ever since
Disgusted from East Devon
At least Bob you can put a down payment on a bottle of cheap wine in time for next Christmas.
HATE to tell you but they will want a bit back for tax!
Congratulations! Have you considered starting an endowment fund?
Don't say too much, Reeves may be monitoring and take it back