I'm 8 months out from the procedure and hanging in there. But my energy level is awful. Ever since the procedure and after till now I have no energy and seems to be getting worse. Been depressed also. Has anyone experienced this also?
Cryoablation: I'm 8 months out from the... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Energy levels can fluctuate - try some regular walking and set progressive goals/targets. It can and does effect mood. Try and get back to doing the normal things in life pre covid times! You have to kick start those feel good endorphins again. Good luck
Yes and it was very worrying. It wasn’t until I started developing some very unusual symptoms such as Ptosis and double vision that I was taken seriously. It turned out that I had a completely unrelated condition which had been exacerbated by the meds that I was taking and the sedation and anaesthesia meds from the ablation.
I’m not saying that is the cause for you but that other conditions can cause those symptoms and not everything is about AF and ablation. Fatigue is such a vague symptom and listed on just about everything. Lack of energy with depression though and fatigue are different and the question is are you depressed because of your lack of energy or is your lack of energy due to depression or is it something else.
What if any meds are you on?
When was the last time you had blood tests? Particularly for Thyroid, Liver and Kidney?
Do you have the incentive to go out and walk and then get fatigued and have to stop or just can’t bring yourself to get up and out? These are important differences.
Unfortunately I found that one has to figure out a lot of this stuff oneself but certainly you shouldn’t be feeling this bad, for this long in my opinion - if everything went to plan and you have sustained NSR.
Depression is about withdrawal and not wanting to go out along with a loss of enjoyment.
Have you seen your GP? Have you had any significant changes/losses in your life?
These are all questions which will help you and your doctors to determine what might be causing your symptoms and try get out and get some regular exercise, if you can’t increase your exercise tolerance that knowledge could be significant as to what is the cause for you.
Best wishes
I'm sorry to hear how you are feeling, but yes I had something similar and was blaming it on my heart. It was discovered that I had an underactive thyroid, have you had yours checked? Taking medication for this has given me back my energy.
Sorry to hear this, but was the ablation successful in stopping the Afib episodes?
I took warfarin for 8 years and no problems, but after heart op I was transferred to apixaban as Docs prefer it. Since then, Dec, I have had terrible problems with arthritis and a TIA which apixaban is apparently liable to cause but since medics believe in it they won't investigate. So my advice is ask a lot of questions and if you have arthritis see what they say.