Hi everyone, just an update from my post 4 days ago. I received a callback from cardiologist who has explained what happened with my ablation, all was going well until they went to the right atrium, they found it was small and the balloon was inserted and hit the nerves at the side hence the intense pain, vomiting and going unconscious, it was all hands on deck to get my BPM and BP back up which was causing them concern as I moved when vomiting they were worried in case I had pieced the heart hence the echo, in that moment they decided to halt the procedure as it was detrimental to my heart and wellbeing, she says as the atrium is swollen will take months for all to go back to normal, she hope the three she did will be enough but if she has to do the fourth will be under GA. she did say the majority of ablation sails through but a few have serious complications, mine was one of them, so guys, thank you all for your best wishes and it’s rest, rest and more rest
CRYOABLATION - Sedation: Hi everyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Hope you feel better soon and the trauma aspect subsides. Seek professional support if you need it. Please dont struggle on alone. Best wishes.
Thank you, on diazepam just for a week, my own doctor is ringing thurs to check how I am and she will go from there, mentally I feel a little better now I know what happened so not as fearful as I was but have to sleep with a nightlight as I cannot bear the nights at present re flashbacks
It will ease over time. Remember one day it will all be but a memory and you can deal with it and put it behind you so you can move forward. Its always wise to give such experiences the credence they deserve or eventually if pushed down and not dealt with they come raging back to haunt us. You have done all the right things to successfully move forward. Very well done, wishing you all the best.
You poor thing that must have been awful for you! Thanks for the update.
Wishing you a speedy recovery now.
Thank you so much, everyone on here as been so kind and supportive
I think we're all as shocked as you, regarding what you went through.
I had a CT cardiogram a few weeks before my first ablation to provide a map of my heart for the EP. Did you have one of those?
An awful time for you but pleased you now know why. That in itself will help the healing process. Yes, rest, rest and then some. Take care and hope you will feel much better soon. x
I do feel so much for you and hope you are O.K. and getting over the trauma.Not an easy road at times, after having had a very bad experience I have some sort of understanding as to what you are going through. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Thank you for the update and explaining the details. Do feel for you and hope very soon you can get over the episode.
Sounds absolutely awful,you poor thing.Take it easy and best wishes for a full recovery.
Sounds very frightening that, and I’m not surprised you have to sleep with a light on. Hope you will soon feel better. Take care. xx
I'm glad you got answers and that things go better now.It's the unknown roll of the roulette ball that is involved that is a concern for ablation I think.
Take good care now and thanks for letting us know xx
That sounds so traumatic for you. I hope that you heal soon and get some sort of treatment that works for you.
Thank you for updating us on your traumatic experience. I do hope your healing has begun - both mentally and physically and please make use of all the help you need to hopefully put this behind you.
sorry to hear this and hope you are getting more settled now. Scary but best to know everything so you understand why you felt as you did. Having heart procedures is a big thing and we forget as so many procedures are, fortunately, uneventful- but many are not!
Hi there. Hopefully it will be enough. They could only ablate 3 of my pulmonary veins. Apparently couldn’t get access to the other as very “convoluted “. I’m all good still 5 years on. Fingers crossed 🤞 all will be well.
I have only just caught up with your last post and after reading this as well I am truly shocked at what you have been through. Can't help feeling a degree of incompetence is involved somewhere along the line.
I wonder if others feel that EPs are trying to rush through these procedures and cutting corners in order to get through their waiting list as quickly as possible. All well and good if the EP has alot of experience.( I have my 4th RF ablation in 2 weeks and been told it will be local anaesthetic😱)
Wishing you all the best
J x
Do you have nerve paralysis ?