Although I have been a member of this forum for a year, this is my first blog. I have really learnt a lot from other members, particularly about triggers and treatments. I am 60, male, and have had chronic paroxysmal AF and Atrial Tachycardia for more than 20 years. I have had 3 ablations and was lined up for a 4th in Spring this year. For many years my event frequency was between 5 and 15 days and each event would generally consist of a mix of AF and AT to 160bpm continuously for 12 to 24 hours). At first I would attend A&E to get help but this was always unpleasant and unhelpful and now I always self-manage at home. I have an EP who I see once or twice an year and who has performed 2 of the ablations. Triggers were difficult to assess, but coffee, stress and serious exercise (heart rate over 120) could all cause it. AF was often preceded by ectopic beats a few hours before, so I got a warning!
I am a long term Sotalol (beta blocker) user up to 320mg per day but now at 160mg per day. I carry a 80mg Sotalol as a PIP but this normally doesn’t help. I have tried Flecainide but it gave me very bad eczema; and Propafenone but it was pro-arrhythmic. I take other meds for hypertension and hyperlipidemia, Apixaban as a blood thinner and Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 to keep Homocysteine (an amino acid) levels down.
I use a single lead Kardia device with an app on my phone and record all “events” to show my EP. I also keep an accurate log of events on a spreadsheet (again given to my EP).
I have always experimented with supplements but generally have had no success in relieving symptoms. However, about 2 years ago I discovered MitoQ Heart, a New Zealand supplement containing L-Carnitine, Magnesium, Vitamin D3 and a refined version of CoQ10. Its expensive but it did significantly extend the time between “events”. I was impressed but sadly one of the ingredients (maybe a filler, etc) gave me very bad eczema. Since then I have been trying to create my own cocktail with the help of comments from this forum, and others. Back in Spring, I started increasing the daily intake of Magnesium Glycinate up to 500mg, Ubiquinol (CoQ10 Kaneka) up to 200mg whilst keeping L-Carnitine steady at 300mg and Cinnamon Bark at 600mg and have now been Ectopic and AF/AT free for more than 3 months….! I have come off the waiting list for the 4th Ablation! My EP has checked for drug interactions and all is OK.
I did try to supplement the Ubiquinol with 10mg of PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) to enhance the passage of the Ubiquinol through the mitochondrial membrane in the heart (similar to MitoQ) but this did not work and I got bad Ectopics.
Many thanks to all who participate in this Forum, from whom I have learnt a lot, particularly about Magnesium and CoQ10. I look forward to Patients Day to continue my learning.