Thinking of taking CBD oil for arthritis (no THC). Does anyone know of problems taking this with AF, I haven't had an episode in over a year, or any reactions with Eliquis?
CBD oil and AF: Thinking of taking CBD... - Atrial Fibrillati...
CBD oil and AF

THC was certainly a trigger for me and let to me quitting cannabis after many happy years. I wont even try CBD just in case.
I've been treated for afib and haven't had an episode for 2 yrs. I have continued to smoke marijuana, which greatly helps my chronic neuropathic pain from botched cervical disc surgery. I would be most appreciative to know more about your experiences with marijuana and afib. Thanks,in advance..
I gave up tobacco ages ago and used to smoke weed in a pipe. Before my diagnosis I noticed that literally seconds after smoking I’d have palpitations. Didn’t know at the time (pre-diagnosis) that it was AF that I was feeling.
I was using wax/concentrated extracts too which maybe didn’t help.
It’s a mute point now as I emigrated and in this country they’d cut your nuts off with a rusty spoon for even thinking about weed.
On one of my in stays during diagnosis I asked a friendly Doctor about it, whether a history of drug abuse may be a factor.
He said he thought stimulating drugs such as MDMA, speed and coke would be, not so much the others.
I haven’t smoked in many years but wonder that now after a fairly successful ablation whether weed would still give me palpitations?
CBD oil has very little thc if any. If used threapeutically for epilepsy it works better with less than 1% THC. This is why parents are still having to go to aHolland to buy CBD for there children as CBD with any thc can't be prescribed on NHS.
I digress. CBD oil is an anticoagulant
Hope link works
I have been prescribed Sativex for spasticity on the NHS for about 10 months now. I cannot see that it has any effect on my AF. Google reckons that it costs £150 per spray bottle and this lasts about 8 days. The accelerator is a petrol product & the taste is awful. My spasticity remains poor and I have no pain although I often ache & am stiff.
I have seen advertisements for CBD face packs, creams, tablets & sprays. All are hugely expensive. Would I buy any of them? NO
Is that normal prescription fee or you pay privately?
Not sure about inhaling “a petroleum product” at all, doesn’t sound healthy!
I live in Wales and it has been available free for MS spasticity for over a year. From yesterday it is available in England.
You work up to a maximum of 12 sprays per day. Each bottle is 10mls with 90 sprays therein. 50% is ethanol. They reckon that there is peppermint in it but I can't detect it.
My friend's husband was diagnosed with MS about 45 years ago. He was a young man, smoked cannabis and told the consultant treating him that it relieved his symptoms. He was disappointed that the consultant completely dismissed the fact that it could be of any benefit whereas our friend's husband thought it was worthy of note for future treatment.
CBD tablets are cheap at medical marijuana outlets in Maine. 50 10mg tablets are approximately 50 USD. they are obtained from the cannibis plant. Even cheaper from less reliable sources.
Sadly I am unable to take CBD oil for my arthritis as it started my AFib. I asked advice from the company and was told it opens up blood cells and they wouldn't recommend taking it when you have AF.
Vaping is a quick and highly effective way of taking CBD. There are two types - isolate contains no THC (which can trigger afib in some people) and is the one I recommend.
I have found no problems using it. A 1000 mg high strength bottle costs £7.50 and lasts for weeks. 5 or 6 vapes is very relaxing and (IMO) helps with afib anxiety as it really does help you to relax - my heart rate also drops slightly.
We are all different but from my experience it works well. It is expensive if you buy from UK pharmacists but I buy from a reputable UK online seller. I won't advertise them on the forum but will be happy to pass on their details if anyone wants them - just PM me. Paul
You could just try the CDB in rub on form, helped my arthritis
Hi Jjida
I have been taking CBD oil 15% for about 8 months now with absolutely no effect on my Afib whatsoever. I have a chronic back problem and can’t take opioids for pain relief.
Which did a really good review of CBD. Recently. It essentially said that many people anecdotally report excellent results for stress, pain and chronic neurological disorders etc but that the factual evidence is still somewhat lacking.
I took it at first in desperation since the pain was just so debilitating and now only have to use it on an ad hoc basis.
There is no ‘peace man’ side effect since the ‘happy THCs’ are minimal or absent.
Woops, forgot to say that mine is a sticky liquid and I take two drops under the tongue as required. I did buy it legally in France and the tiny bottle cost €50 but 8 months on the bottle is no where near empty. Most health food shops stock it, even Holland and Barret. Most big towns also have CBD shops now.
Doctors often recommend to use CBD those who suffer from arthritis, because it has analgesic properties and is non addictive. In our country it is legal to buy it online as vaping liquid or capsules, for instance. In my case, paving is the most convenient variant, because I can adjust the dose of THC and, of course, I can't forget about really pleasant taste. Vaping is allowed and in social places. I have been looking for a premium liquid for a long time and the best choice of them, I have found on This shop has really fast delivery, if it is important for you.
To be honest, I'm not sure if it can have a beneficial effect on AF, even if you're going to take CBD oil without THC. But I think that mostly THC triggers it, so it might not be as dangerous. Anyway, you should consult with a doctor first, and if a specialist approves that you can take CBD oil, I recommend you to check this page and buy CBD oil organic tincture there because I've spent many months looking for a decent CBD store, and this one is the best by far.