Hi - I have been following the posts on here which have been really helpful and thank you Bob I have the factsheet which has been amazingly reassuring. I am struggling with knowing how much or little to do - I went back to work last week and apart from tiredness and aura was Ok (desk job). Monday felt a little breathless went for short walk at lunchtime and scared my team because I was so grey - have been tired and a little breathless ever since when I try and do anything. I did think that by the 3rd week I would be back at work and back to light walking and yoga - did yoga 3 x a week prior to ablation - tennis, running etc brought on a fib so havent done that for over a year Am I expecting too much too soon? Or could it be the heat? Or is it the horrible 1.25mg of bisoprolol that my EP has put me on following afib after ablation? What you guys think? BP and HR are Ok.
20 days since cardiac ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
20 days since cardiac ablation...
Hi again Answers Seeker, me too. Only just a bit behind you here. 14 days for me. I lost a lot of blood, (menstrual, from the extra blood thinners) so off to my GP shortly see if it's low iron. V breathless in the house. N not the heat, my house is quite cool. Feeling worse than when I first left hospital, having to stop 5 times just to get to the local shops.
Thank you Turquoise - sorry to hear that you are feeling breathless too. Hope that the GP can shed some light on it. I don't have the energy to enter the battle to get a GP appointment .. it's almost impossible in Kent.
I think you need to accept that it will take you several months to feel really well. I know when I had my first ablation there was nothing available for advice and I expected to be dancing out of the ward and fully cured next day such was the "sales pitch" from the EP. I was mortified when I wasn't .
Yes the current warm weather will put a strain on your heart and you don't really need that during the recovery period and the bisoprolol is another good maker of exhaustion for many people. Give it time as it is still really early days. Three to six months should see you laughing at any worries you currently have.
Thank you BobD - I really appreciate your reply - I recognise that I am very lucky to have so much information and support - I will try to temper my expectations, so difficult with knowing when I will be fit to go back to work...havent taken the bisoprolol to see if it makes a difference.. - I look forward to 3 - 6 months looking back and laughing
agreed, it took me at least 3 months to start feeling normal again and probably nearer 6 before my fitness levels returned>
Listen to your body, don't push it too hard, its a marathon not a sprint!
Thanks Mikee69 - I guess I have to learn to slow down at least at the moment
My ablation was June 9th. I'm taking bisoprolol 2.5mg. I am just retired but I really couldn't cope with being back at work owing to lack of energy and low blood pressure and heart rate. If I overdo things, I tend to get mild chest pain and a light-headed feeling, altogether not feeling well (and, like you, probably looking rather poorly).
Thanks Steve - that is exactly how I feel when I try to do anything at the moment - I tried stopping the bisoprolol yesterday but went into AF early evening - reverted mid morning this morning so have started to take it again - another day off work ... hopefully I will be well enough for work next week but from your message I guess it may take longer...
Well, I guess you’re younger than me so you could well recover more quickly. I hope you do! I’ve read of so many different experiences so there can be no “norm”. I’d use your doctor for advice and maybe get a sick note if needed.
Also, I guess we’re all different in the sense that the heart muscle can sometimes be affected by the arrhythmia to varying degrees or not at all. I think my heart was affected in this way and has to build up its strength again.
My attack of AFib came on after I stopped taking bisoprolol on doctor’s orders - so take care over that. Beta blockers do seem to work well with post ablation problems. They do reduce blood pressure and pulse rate, though - and people cope differently with that. Yesterday mine was only 97/55 in the morning with a heart rate of 80 but after a meal it improved.
The whole episode has been tough for both of us, that’s for sure. Let’s hope we both are soon able to look back on it as one of life’s trials.
Hi Steve - thanks I will take your advice and see the doctor on Monday if I'm still struggling - i wont stop the bisoprolol again either without advice - learnt my lesson yesterday on that! Thank you all for your support - it is tough and I'm not sure what to expect next but this forum really helps.
It took me several months to feel normal again too. I did not take any meds, they made me feel worse. Still had ectopics after surgery and my naturopath told me to try going gluten free, when I did that my heart calmed down and I felt better. No artificial sweeteners like aspartame or sucralose either or my heart will still go crazy.
thanks needlestone - its comforting to hear that it took you several months to feel better although quite daunting! I dont have artificial sweeteners (nor caffeine, alcohol, cakes... )
I will look at reducing gluten to see if it makes a difference.
Hunger seems to trigger it for me too so try not to get too hungry. It all feels like such a delicate balance.
I was put on bisoprolol as i have chronic AF. Due to slipping the monitoring net. I will never go back into normal rythm.
I finally got a caŕdiac consultant monitoring me. And i used to exercise at lot
I now have to pace myself. If i over exert i can feel body stopping me. So rest is on order.
Trouble is both my brother and i have inherited AF from both mum and dad.
Electro cardio version did not work on either my dad or brother.
Keep it monitored get the dose right..
Regular, daily, gentle exercise while slowly extending your range may help. I don't eat gluten and have developed an intolerance for lactose so keeping a healthy weight was easy, no cakes or biscuits, etc. Now there is plenty of wheat free/ lactose free food available, stuffed full of sugar...
My fitness slowly improved with time and I have just come back from a walking holiday in Austria, as in up the nearest lift, wander along a ridge, find a coffee shop 2,000 metres up and get a lift back down again.
No miracle cures, no instant fitness pills. No wonder diets, just nice and easy does it from now on.
Yoga, swimming and walking was all that I could do without triggering AF prior to ablation. I will definitely try regular daily gentle exercise - Monday was a 10 minute walk so I thought it was an easy gentle start... but perhaps too early on in recovery. Breathlessness at bit better today so tried a very small amount of swimming... so far Ok...your post gives me hope that I will get there ...
I had my ablation end if March and was fine straight away aside from some visual aura first week. we're all different and important you don't push it. It could be side effects of bisoprolol how long do you have to be on it?
Hi AIW58 - glad to hear that you have been OK - I struggle to know when I have done too much until I feel it later - its a steep learning curve - not helped by the hospital saying that I would be fit for work after 4 days - it set the expectations at work and now it feels like I'm messing them around - 3 months on Bisoprolol until follow up appointment with EP. Maybe I will get used to it - it is only a small dose.
Yes based on the advice here I asked for a 2 week sick note. I was, in fact, fine but at least I could diddle about at home with a clear conscience. I can only presume most people do feel ok after a week which is why EP expect us to be ok after a few days.
It may be worth ringing the arrythmia team to ask about your tiredness and if they think it is the bisoprolol and can offer any help. I was on Flecainide but I know beta blockers can wipe you out. Could you ask your work for reduced hours or get signed off by GP for a while.
Thank you AIW58 - managed to get appointment with paramedic at Drs - bp is dropping too low so perindopril has been dropped - hopefully this will help - if I don't feel better by Monday he said to ask for a sick note - as least as you say I can diddle about at home without feeling guilty. I have sent an email to the arrythmia team so hopefully they may be able to offer advice as you suggest. Thank you for your really helpful advice.
I hope they get your meds sorted and that you feel more the thing soon.
Def sounds like you need some more time off. I think you can self certificate for a week too.