Hi folks
I had my third attempt at radio frequency ablation last Wednesday. (I had number one 15 yr ago as radio and cryogenic one 9 months ago) Although this reduced my AF episodes I am aging too and want to reduce the medication, instead of increasing it, which is happening at the moment.
Unfortunately an hour in the ablation they pieced the heart and I ended up with cardiac tamponade.... Four pint transfusion and lots of drainage the need to fix it by open heart surgery was averted. I think it shook up the medical team and most certainly shook me....Back home two days later and given a week off work.
Has anyone else had this ? Were you ok to go back to work after a week?
Although my ablation went awry I understand this is rare and still believe it's the risk worth taking compared to long term meds and enlarged over worked heart etc... In two months going back for check up and discuss another go. Here's to a good session next time. Debbie